OpenNIC is an alternate Network Information Center/Alternative DNS root to the legacy ICANN
robtex - swiss army knife internet tool
by 7 othersin the searchbox above you can search for:
RBL checks multible RBL:s if a specific is listed
DNS checks detailed dns information for a hostname () or a domain ()
IP-number checks ip number information such as dns reverse and forwards
C-net checks an entire c-network
whois lookup checks whois information for a domain ()
route checks a specific routed prefix ()
AS numbers checks information on an AS-number (AS ())
BGP announcements checks prefixes origined from a specific AS-number (AS)
AS macros checks who belongs to an AS-macro (example: as-ams-ix-peers)
RFC documents Request For Comments (rfc2822)
add engine to browser
FreeDNS - Free DNS - Dynamic DNS - Static DNS subdomain and domain hosting
by 8 othersPossible Uses:
* Host your own site on your own connection from home/work/school/etc
* Access your computer with a name (like zeus.afraid.org or yourdomain.com) instead of a numeric IP address
* Run your own http server, ftp server, or anything you want to install on your computer/server
* Fetchable URL to update your IP instantly on our network if you have a dynamic address
Whois.net - Tools
Domain Tools:
Whois Domain Search
Whois By IP Address
DIG Lookup
Web Analysis Tools:
Your IP Address
Name By IP Address
IP Address by Name
About Your Browser
SEO Analysis Tools:
Alexa Reach Chart
Alexa Rank Chart
Compare Alexa Rank
Total Google Pages
Website Validators
CSE HTML Validator
WC3 HTML Validator
CSS Validator
Robots.txt Validator
Free online network utilities - traceroute, nslookup, automatic whois lookup, ping, finger
by 3 others
Domain Dossier
Investigate domains and IP addresses. Get registrant information, DNS records, and more.
Domain Check
See if a domain is available.
Email Dossier
Validate and investigate email addresses.
Browser Mirror
See what your browser reveals.
See if a host is reachable.
Trace the network path from this server to another.
Look up various domain resource records with this version of the classic NsLookup utility.
Get Whois records automatically for domains worldwide.
Grab a web page, look up a domain, and more.
Do a simple, graphical traceroute.
OpenDNS | Providing A Safer And Faster DNS
by 23 othersWhat is OpenDNS?
OpenDNS is a safer, faster, smarter and more reliable way to navigate the Internet. Our service is free and requires nothing to download.
How do I use it?
Our DNS server addresses:
Serveurs DNS des principaux FAI - La solution
La liste ci-dessous donne les adresses IP des serveurs de noms (DNS) des principaux fournisseurs d'accès à Internet (FAI)
Dynamic Name Server
What is DNS?
Free DNS, Static DNS, Dynamic DNS, URL Redirection, and more from EveryDNS!
by 6 othersWe provide static DNS services as well as many advanced services such as Dynamic DNS resolution, Secondary service, AXFR service, and domain2web redirection. Of course, our primary service is free DNS.
Find All Domains on Same IP Tool - SEOLogs.com
by 7 othersIP Domain Check
This tool will find other domain names hosted on your IP address. Just enter a domain (www.example.com) or an IP address ( to get a list of domain names that share the same IP address.
Les DNS des FAI Haut Débit
by 2 othersLes DNS avec un asterisque sont des DNS publics, et donc accessibles depuis n'importe quel accès Internet.
Lea Linux - Mettre en place sa passerelle sous Linux : Nom de machine et résolution
Où comment mettre en place un PC pour partager sa connexion et sécuriser son réseau
Vous diposez d'une connexion Internet et de plusieurs postes à la maison. L'objectif de cet article est de vous permettre de partager la connexion avec ces différents postes tout en sécurisant au minimum ces accès vers l'extérieur.
(16 marks)