public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from camel with tag laptop

December 2008

Do It Yourself : un dock en carton pour votre laptop | Neomansland, le blog vert !

by 2 others
Très bonne idée simpliste que celle-ci. Si vous avez besoin d’un dock pour surélever votre PC postable, certains ont pensé qu’un tutoriel pour le faire vous même serait de la plus grande utilité. Alors rien de plus simple, attrapez votre cutter, et filez sur le lien pour télécharger les plans de découpe. Adeptes du loisir créatif, libre à vous de le customiser !

May 2007


by 1 other (via)
Lapsus is a set of programs created to help manage additional laptop features. It currently supports most features provided by asus-laptop kernel module from ACPI4Asus project, such as additional LEDs, hotkeys, backlight control etc. It also has experimental support for IBM laptops features provided by IBM ThinkPad ACPI Extras Driver. It consist of a daemon program monitoring ACPI events, reading/writing system files created by either asus-laptop or ibm-acpi module and run commands that need privileged access. The daemon can be controlled over DBus using the client program, or any other programs which has support for that, or can be customized to do so. It can also be controlled with dbus-send utility.

camel's TAGS related to tag laptop

asus +   blog +   bricolage +   carton +   control +   dock +   linux +   monitoring +   portable +   tutoriel +