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PUBLIC MARKS from camel with tag html

December 2008

Comment convertir une feuille Excel ou OpenOffice en tableau HTML | Korben

Quoi de plus frustrant lorsqu’on a un site internet que de devoir copier coller un tableau excel dans un editeur HTML. Ça se barre le plus souvent en sucette et au final, ça ne rend jamais bien. Du coup, ma technique consistait à faire carrement une capture écran du tableau excel. Radical mais efficace. Enfin, cela c’était avant que je découvre un service en ligne appelé Tableizer qui permet de convertir votre tableau excel (ou en provenance de n’importe quel tableur comme Open Office) en tableau HTML bien clair et bien classe.

CSS Text Wrapper

The CSS Text Wrapper allows you to easily make HTML text wrap in shapes other than just a rectangle. You can make text wrap around curves, zig-zags, or whatever you want. All you have to do is draw the left and right edges below and then copy the generated code to your website


Microsoft propose maintenant une nouvelle méthode via sa plate-forme OpenSource CodePlex : une extension Firefox pour Windows et Linux permettant d’ouvrir les fichiers docx comme de simples pages HTML. docxfirefox L’outil se charge en fait de réaliser une conversion à la volée du fichier docx en html tout en conservant les styles du document d’origine. Il est d’ailleurs possible de télécharger un outil en ligne de commande pour réaliser cette conversion.

Server2Go - Self configurable WAMPP Stack

Server2Go is a Webserver that runs out of the box without any installation and on write protected media. This means that web applications based on Server2Go can be used directly from cdrom, a usb stick or from any folder on a hard disk without the hassle of configuring Apache, PHP or MySQL. Server2Go allows you to create a standalone working web site or PHP application on a CD-ROM. There are many examples of its possible useses such as catalogue software, calculation programmes, image campaigns (CMS-based), computer based training lessons or other applicatons. Most PHP-Software such as the content management system Joomla or the computer based training software Moodle can be used from CD-ROM with the help of Server2Go. Server2Go was developed in the first instance for use on CD-ROM but there is no problem in using it from other drives too. Using a web browser, a user can run php programs as well as view html files on the CD-ROM. He only needs to insert a CD with Server2Go. The server software starts automatically and a browser is opened with the Website of the CD-ROM. Server2Go was built in the first place to replace other CD-ROM webservers such as WampOnCD or Microweb that lacked some important features or are not being actively developed. Main Features * Free! No royalties * Complete WAMPP Server-Stack * Runs directly from CD-ROM, USB Stick or Hard disk without installation * Full featured webserver (based on apache) * PHP 5.x support with many extensions installed (e.g. gd) * Supports SQLite databases * Runs on all versions of Windows from Win 98 and above, MAC OSX support is coming * Support for MySQL 5 Databases * Supports many PHP extensions (GD-Lib, PDO...) by default * Support for Perl 5.8

November 2008

Drawter, l'éditeur de code HTML, XHTML et CSS en ligne pour réaliser des maquettes complexes en WYSYWYG

Drawter : dessinez, c’est intégré ! (WYSYWYG Powa!) Drawter est un générateur de code HTML et CSS en ligne qui vous permet de dessiner votre mise en page dans un canevas. Vous pouvez choisir les options de votre page comme le titre, le doctype, la langue du document, les balises que vous souhaitez pour chaque bloc présent à l’écran et pour chacune d’entre elles les propriétés et les attributs. Une fois votre maquette terminée, vous choisissez le mode de placement pour vos blocs : float: left ou position: absolute. Le site autorise les imbrications de balises pour réaliser des mises en page complexes dans une interface réactive et intuitive. N’hésitez pas à parcourir toutes les options disponibles dans les palettes d’options et amusez-vous :) Drawter : dessinez, c’est gagné ? A tester !

21 scripts Javascript pour l'intégrateur HTML et CSS

by 3 others (via)
Les bibliothèques Javascript — comme jQuery et la myriade de plugins qui l’accompagne — facilitent la vie des développeurs web en leur permettant de manipuler le DOM les mains dans les poches. Toutefois, il est toujours bon d’avoir quelques fonctions standalone sous la souris pour se faciliter l’intégration cross-browser ! Voici une sélection de 21 scripts pour faire face à toutes les situations (ou presque) :

Faire fonctionner le plugin HTML Validator sur Ubuntu - Blog - Ingenieur multimedia IMAC

Comme son nom l'indique, le "plugin html validator" permet de vérifier la syntaxe de vos pages html 4.01 et xhtml et de comptabiliser le nombre d'erreur. Une fois l'extension ajoutée, le simple raccourci CTRL U permet d'afficher la source et lancer le test. Pour ne pas être déçu du non fonctionnement de l'extension vous devez installer les paquets libxul-dev et libstdc 5 (testé sous la version 8.04 hardy heron)

htmlwrapper - Google Code

by 2 others (via)
Wrapper is a cross-browser compliant HTML/CSS rendering engine written in ActionScript that sits on top of your standards compliant HTML page. Wrapper eliminates cross-browser issues and makes integrating ActionScript and HTML/CSS projects possible without needing to compile. Wrappers strives to answer the most common problems web designers face without forcing them to learn too many new things. Most web sites can be created in HTML or CSS, then when you need to extend Wrapper's capabilities you can either use JSON to call functions within ActionScript or you can load compiled plug-ins. Wrapper also has built in methods within CSS to load custom fonts, display elements as any shape, and fill them with linear or radial gradient background colors. ActionScript's event model is also implemented within Wrapper's HTML. Wrapper's best features are the ones that you get for free because of how it is set up. It's like getting all the great features of the Flash Player without needing to deal with compiling and being able to create your content the same way any HTML page would be created. Wrapper is fully accessible to the search engines and integrates well with any back-end technology. Wrapper is currently released as a fully functional open source beta for Flash Player 9. Wrapper is set up as a pre-compiled plug-in but can easily be integrated into any Flex or AIR applications or even as an ActionScript framework for creation of compiled projects.

FatFreeCart - Free shopping cart for Google Checkout and PayPal

by 1 other (via)
FatFreeCart is a free shopping cart developed by the team behind E-junkie shopping cart. Get Google CheckoutIt works inside your website, your blog and will even work from your MySpace page. It is simply a copy-paste cart and does not require you to register with us or install anything. It works with PayPal and Google Checkout. Get PayPalIt supports product variations, shipping, handling and sales tax. If you are already using PayPal shopping cart, you will find the button code is similar. On top of being certified by PayPal and Google, it has been successfully tested on humans and they absolutely love it (which means higher conversion rates for you). FatFreeCart is also the only serious cart with a somewhat funny name.

Create an apple style menu and improve it via jQuery | - new media design

by 2 others
Since I wrote my last tutorial on how to create a CSS only multilevel dropdown menu I got a lot of visitors who wanted to know how I created the main navigation of (a so called kwicks menu) The interest in extraordinary menus seems to be high nowadays, so today I will teach you how this is done. Since the Apple-flavored Leopard-text-indent style is currently one of my favorite menu styles, we will start from scratch and build such a menu in Photoshop, then create the needed HTML and CSS and last but not least improve it via jQuery.

October 2008

ID Selector

by 1 other
ID Selector: Quick Guide It's all about getting users signed into your website as quickly and efficiently as possible. It achieves this by providing a simple, consistent, provider neutral interface, and by educating the user about OpenID during the sign in process. In short, it makes OpenID easier for the end user and benefits both the relying parties and OpenID providers. What is the Selector? It's a widget that you add to the existing OpenID login form on your website. You embed a snippet of javascript code into your page, and it writes in an HTML button tag styled to match your CSS.

today's timetable

by 2 others
Timetable est un script qui permet d’ajouter un calendrier d’un genre un peu différent à votre page Web. L’auteur l’avait écrit pour un besoin professionnel mais, finalement, n’a jamais été utilisé. Alors, plutôt que de laisser ce script au fond d’un “disque dur”, il nous l’offre ! Vous pourrez ajouter autant d’instances de Timetable que vous le souhaiterez dans votre page HTML. De plus, vous pourrez interfacer Timetable avec des données provenant de requêtes SQL ou XML depuis un code PHP ou ASP. De plus, vous pourrez intégrer du HTML dans les plages horaires. L’implémentation dans votre page web est très simple… le concept original et je le trouve vraiment très pratique. Bref, un excellent script pour dynamiser l’interface de votre page web.

Speeqe – Trac

Speeqe is a web based, group chat client that works with the XMPP/MUC protocol. It is chat made simple. The goal is to give the user the best and easiest experience in creating chat rooms. It is a combination of javascript and python code using a collection of open source software and software tools. This collection is nginx or apache for a frontend. The frontend serves the webclient which is javascript using Strophe and JQuery. It also proxies to Punjab for the BOSH connection to connect to XMPP based servers. To tie it all together there is a small amount of django. Features ¶ HTML/javascript client Themable (all UI is in one html file) Inline images. Inline youtube videos. Kick,ban,unban support. Room configuration. DNS named rooms (ie will go to the room speeqers@…) Ability to connect to federated XMPP servers and chat rooms.

Tentakel to execute commands on multiple Linux or UNIX Servers

Many times, you want to execute a command not only on one server, but also on several servers. For example, find out * Version of kernel * Version of Apache web server * Update static html or images files on all web servers via rsync * Find out user information, server information, memory usage etc * Security/patch checking tentakel I have already covered how to execute commands on multiple Linux or UNIX servers via shell script. The disadvantage of script is commands do not run in parallel on all servers. However, several tools exist to automate this procedure in parallel. With the help of tool called tentakel, you run distributed command execution. It is a program for executing the same command on many hosts in parallel using ssh (it supports other methods too). Main advantage is you can create several sets of servers according requirements. For example webserver group, mail server group, home servers group etc. The command is executed in parallel on all servers in this group (time saving). By default, every result is printed to stdout (screen). The output format can be defined for each group.

September 2008

POMPAGE - Comment vous assurer que vos emails HTML s’affichent correctement et arrivent à bon port ?

by 8 others (via)
Bien qu’assurer à un affichage homogène de vos emails soit déjà un défi en soi, vous avez encore du chemin à parcourir avant qu’ils arrivent effectivement dans la boîte de réception de vos abonnés. Tout le petit monde de la livraison d'emails a beaucoup changé ces dernières années. A l’origine, le contenu était roi. Tant que vous n’étiez pas sur liste noire et que le contenu de vos emails n’incluait pas trop de mots à connotation « spammesque », alors vous aviez de bonnes chances que votre email soit bien remis. Aujourd’hui, cependant, les moyens technologiques des fournisseurs d’accès et de filtrage de spam sont devenus beaucoup plus intelligents et agressifs. Qui envoie l’email est devenu plus important que ce que l’email dit. Les fournisseurs d’accès font cette distinction en observant les habitudes de transfert de leurs utilisateurs et l'utilisation qu'ils font du bouton « Marquer comme spam » afin de lier ces informations au domaine expéditeur et à son adresse IP. Si un de vos abonnés ouvre régulièrement vos emails, vous devriez être tranquille... mais si un certain nombre d'entre eux ne les ouvre que rarement et les marque comme du spam, alors il y a des chances que vous n’atteigniez plus les boîtes de réception. Connue sous le nom de Réputation Expéditeur, c'est le facteur le plus important pour la livraison de vos emails à bon port. Comme dans le monde réel, avoir une bonne réputation inspire la confiance, et si les fournisseurs d’accès ne vous font pas confiance, vous avez un problème.

August 2008

IE WebDeveloper - DOM Inspector, Script Console, Logging messages and HTTP Monitor

IE WebDeveloper is an add-on for Microsoft Internet Explorer. The rich web debugging toolset allows you to inspect and edit the live HTML DOM and current cascaded styles, evaluate expressions and display error messages, log messages, explore source code of webpage and monitor DHTML Event and HTTP Traffic.

July 2008

PrettyPhoto - a jQuery Lightbox clone

by 3 others, 1 comment
PrettyPhoto - a jQuery Lightbox clone July 13th, 2008 in Javascript | Tags: Gallery, jQuery | No Responses A new version 2.1 of prettyPhoto released. Descriptions/Titles now support html code. Usage is simple, just include the jQuery library, prettyPhoto javascript and the prettyPhoto CSS file and add rel=”prettyPhoto” to any picture you want to activate the prettyPhoto feature. If you want the images to be a part of a gallery, just add the gallery name in braket. Tested and working in Firefox 2-3 (Mac/PC), Safari 3.1.1 (Mac), IE 6-7. Uncompressed version - script: 16kb / CSS: 8kb, compressed size - script: 8kb / CSS: 3.8kb.

April 2008

Créer de belles listes ordonnées en HTML et CSS

by 5 others
Aujourd'hui je vais vous montrer comment rendre encore plus agréable à l'oeil vos listes HTML ! Ce tutoriel n'a pas de but particulier à part celui de faire plaisir à vos visiteurs lorsqu'ils tomberont sur vos listes trop fashion ^^ ! De plus il est extrêmement simple à mettre en œuvre. ;)

March 2008

Creating accessible charts using canvas and jQuery | Filament Group, Inc.

by 2 others
Data visualization in HTML has long been tricky to achieve. Past solutions have involved non-standard plugins, proprietary behavior, and static images. But this has changed with the recent growth in support for the new HTML Canvas element, which provides a native drawing API that can be addressed with simple Javascript. This article is a proof of concept for visualizing HTML table data with the canvas element.

woork: Perfect pagination style using CSS

by 5 others (via)
This tutorial explains how to design a pagination for search results or more in general to split a long list of records in more pages. It's a question I often receive, so I decided to publish a very simple post which explains how to design a perfect pagination style using some lines of HTML and CSS code.

January 2008

Monitoring File Uploads using Ajax and PHP - PHP articles and tutorials, MySQL, PostgreSQL

by 1 other
Because of the limitations of HTTP, it is difficult to monitor the status of files as they are uploaded via HTML forms. While other programming languages have built-in methods to monitor file uploads, PHP does not. This article shows how to implement such a solution in PHP. In order to achieve this, the APC (Alternative PHP Cache) PHP extension is required, as well as PHP 5. Specifically, APC 3.0.13 or newer and PHP 5.2 or newer are required for the code in this article to work. We will cover installation of APC in the next section. It is assumed you already have a working PHP 5.2 installation.

ie7-js - Google Code

by 14 others (via)
IE7 is a JavaScript library to make Microsoft Internet Explorer behave like a standards-compliant browser. It fixes many HTML and CSS issues and makes transparent PNG work correctly under IE5 and IE6.

December 2007

CSS Text Wrapper

by 13 others
The CSS Text Wrapper allows you to easily make HTML text wrap in shapes other than just a rectangle. You can make text wrap around curves, zig-zags, or whatever you want. All you have to do is draw the left and right edges below and then copy the generated code to your website.

November 2007

camel's TAGS related to tag html

aggregator +   ajax +   apache +   api +   application +   applications +   box +   browser +   calendrier +   canvas +   character +   charge +   charts +   chat +   Cheat Sheets +   code +   conversion +   convert +   css +   design +   developement +   dom +   extension +   feed +   file +   firefox +   flash +   footnotes +   form +   format +   formats +   free +   generator +   gestion +   google +   graph +   Html Validator +   ie +   ie6 +   image +   images +   integration +   interface +   internet +   java +   javascript +   jQuery +   js +   layout +   linux +   list +   management +   mashup +   memo +   menu +   monitoring +   mysql +   online +   opensource +   pagination +   pdf +   performance +   php +   php5 +   picture +   player +   plugin +   psd2html +   python +   rss +   script +   scroll +   search +   select +   server +   shell +   site +   software +   ssh +   standard +   standards +   svg +   table +   tools +   tutorial +   tutoriel +   typo +   usb +   vb xsl +   web +   webdesign +   webdev +   webservices +   wiki +   windows +   wrapper +   wysiwyg +   xhtml +   xml +   xss +