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PUBLIC MARKS from camel with tag hosting


Free File Hosting & Video Downloads, Free File Sharing, Online Friends Network - Ziddu

by 1 other (via)
J’ai découvert Ziddu, c’est un site qui vous permet un stockage en ligne et un Uploads illimité avec un compte gratuit et qui ne mets pas de temps d’attente entre les téléchargement pour vos visiteurs et de plus chaque fois que quelqu’un téléchargera votre fichier, vous serez payer, bien sûr pas de quoi changer de voiture ou de maison. Le paiement est de $0.001 par téléchargement et les sommes vous seront envoyés sur votre compte Paypal dès que vous aurez atteint 10 $. Je teste ce service en attendant de trouver LE service qui va bien. Ziddu vous permet de stocker et partager de manière illimités:

Virtualmin - About

Virtualmin is a uniquely powerful and flexible web server administration tool. It is unmatched in features and ease of use. Based on Webmin, it offers a wide array of productivity-enhancing tools for hosting providers, web developers, web designers, and end users.

XtraFile » XtraUpload v2

by 2 others
Written in PHP using the CodeIgniter Framework, XtraUpload has all the features you would expect from a file Hosting Script. Free users as well as premium users have the ability to upload files but premium users get a lot more features such as viewing files, instantly downloading files and getting the URL’s of the files they have uploaded. You can also specify the file types, sizes along with many other options. Each user must provide a valid email address when they sign up for premium as the script automatically sends the username and password to them upon reception of payment through PayPal IPN. File Hosting websites brings in large revenues and is a very easy system to setup thanks to XtraUpload.

scalr - Google Code

by 3 others
Scalr is a fully redundant, self-curing and self-scaling hosting environment utilizing Amazon's EC2. It allows you to create server farms through a web-based interface using prebuilt AMI's for load balancers (pound or nginx), app servers (apache, others), databases (mysql master-slave, others), and a generic AMI to build on top of. The health of the farm is continuously monitored and maintained. When the Load Average on a type of node goes above a configurable threshold a new node is inserted into the farm to spread the load and the cluster is reconfigured. When a node crashes a new machine of that type is inserted into the farm to replace it. 4 AMI's are provided for load balancers, mysql databases, application servers, and a generic base image to customize. Scalr allows you to further customize each image, bundle the image and use that for future nodes that are inserted into the farm. You can make changes to one machine and use that for a specific type of node. New machines of this type will be brought online to meet current levels and the old machines are terminated one by one. The project is still very young, but we're hoping that by open sourcing it the AWS development community can turn this into a robust hosting platform and give users an alternative to the current fee based services available.

Automating deployment and activation of virtual images

Virtualization offers advantages that include server consolidation, isolation, rapid provisioning, and improved change management processes. Since virtualization breaks the hardware dependency and isolates virtual machines from details about the physical servers on which they are hosted, virtual images can be moved from one hosting platform to another. They can also be cloned to create more virtual machines, as desired. One of the challenges with cloning virtual images is handling operating system, network, and application specific customization. This article provides a sample framework for automating virtual image activation on new host platforms. This article, along with a previous article on Using virtual image templates to deploy WebSphere Application Server, demonstrates an automated approach for quickly and easily provisioning new WebSphere Application Server environments. The sample deployment and activation code included with this article is independent of WebSphere Application Server and can be used in conjunction with other software inside a virtual image. The specific example provided here is for WebSphere Application Server V6 in VMware or XEN virtual images, using SUSE V10 as the guest operating system. The activation techniques described in this article can be used in conjunction with IBM Tivoli® Provisioning Manager as described in Using Tivoli Provisioning Manager to deploy composite virtual appliances.

Livre Blanc sur la virtualisation | Bearstech

on assiste à une montée en puissance des acteurs du marché, que ce soit dans le domaine propriétaire avec Microsoft et VMware, ou dans le domaine des logiciels libres, avec l’émergence de nombreux projets autour de la virtualisation. Il suffit de voir le nombre de conférences liées aux technologies de virtualisation pour l’entreprise et le nombre d’articles de presse (en ligne ou papier) traitant de la virtualisation. Cette montée en puissance n’est pas due au hasard : elle suit de très près la demande du marché, qui se tourne de plus en plus vers les technologies de virtualisation. Ce livre blanc évoque les différentes solutions libres de virtualisation pour l'entreprise, en détaillant les différents concepts. Il s'adresse à un public technique, mais non spécialiste de la virtualisation.


HostingControlPanels - Debian Wiki

by 1 other
A control panel allows the customers of a web hosting company to manage much of their own affairs. For example, the control panel allows the owner of a domain to create and manipulate email and ftp accounts. The customer gets to do things quicker and without having to pay the hosting company for stuff they could do themselves.


GPLHost:>_ Open source hosting worldwide _ Web spaces featuring GPL control panel

dtc-xen: brings a full Xen control panel to your Xen server by connecting a DTC panel to it - The Site for Xen automation

Xen Software xen-shell is a simple console shell for a hosting company to allow customers to control their own Xen instance. xen-tools is a collection of software which allow you to create new guest domains. Argo is a work-in-progress Xen monitor and control panel.

Main Page - PMWH2 - PHPMyWebHosting's official wiki

Many people own a root-server and want to use it with multiple domain hosting for email, webserver and a MySQL-database. Most of them use the console and their favorite editor. No one needs more! But: If you want to lease parts of your server (e.g. webspace service provider, email service provider), the more complex becomes the setup. Furthermore you want to provide your customers the possibility to manage their domains, email addresses and ftp accounts on their own.

LifeType - OpenSource Blogging Platform

by 12 others
LifeType is an open-source blogging platform with support for multiple blogs and users in a single installation.

GPLHost:>_ Web hosting open source (GPL) control panel

by 3 others
Domain Technologie Control (DTC) is a GPL control panel for hosting. Using a web GUI for admin and accounting all hosting services, DTC can delegate the task of creating subdomains, email, and FTP accounts to users for the domain names they own. DTC manages a MySQL database containing all the hosting information. It has support for many programs (bind 8 and 9 and compatibles, MySQL, Apache 1.3, php4, qmail, postfix 2, courier, dovecot, proftpd, webalizer, mod-log-sql, etc.) through config files and/or MySQL plugins (when the service is non-critical). It can also generate backup scripts, calculation scripts, and config files using a single system UID/GID and monitor all traffic accounting per user and per service. Since version 0.12, DTC is fully skinable and translated into several languages (Chinese, English, Spanish, French, Dutch, German, Italian, Russian, Hungarian, Romanian and Polish).


Planet-Work's Developpement Website - ezAdmin

ezAdmin is a server administration toolbox for managing web servers. It is entierely based on Debian GNU/Linux Sarge.

web-cp: a free web hosting control panel (written in PHP, open source under the GPL)

by 2 others
web-cp is a full-featured, open source web hosting control panel written in PHP and released under the GPL. It consists of 4 control panels: personal, domain, reseller, and server.

Debian Grimoire: Control Panels

by 2 others (via)
A comparison of hosting control panels

GNU Hosting Helper

GNU Hosting Helper is a web hosting management package. It is distributed under the GNU GPL (General Public License) Agreement. This package provides tools to manage many of the aspects of a hosting environment. It also provides a client utility to reduce the need for staff to perform tasks that a client needs such as managing email accounts.

The Roller Network

by 3 others (via)
We provide secondary DNS, backup mail, SMTP redirection, SMTP filtering, and other DNS/MX based services.

Why do ISPs need LDAP?

by 1 other (via)
This white paper looks at why an Internet Service Provider (ISP) or Mobile Provider would want to use LDAP and the benefits to an ISP of holding customer account information in an LDAP Directory.


SysCP, the System Control Panel is a server administration tool which enables an internet service provider to give their customers a web-based application to administrate their email addresses, their suddomains etc.

camel's TAGS related to tag hosting

admin +   administration +   apache +   application +   backup +   blog +   build +   cluster +   code +   control +   control panel +   control_panel +   database +   debian +   dns +   dtc-xen +   email +   environment +   file +   framework +   free +   ftp +   gentoo +   google +   gpl +   howto +   image +   images +   interface +   isp +   ldap +   linux +   livre blanc +   lvm +   management +   mysql +   network +   online +   opensource +   oss +   php +   postfix +   project +   raid +   script +   server +   setup +   share +   shell +   site +   software +   tools +   upload +   vhcs +   video +   virtualisation +   vmware +   web +   wiki +   windows +   xen +