March 2009
How to Keep PPC Strong When Budgets Get Lean
Despite a reduction in marketing budgets, the volume of searches performed is still showing strong growth. People are using search more than ever, putting your online campaigns front and center in your marketing mix. How do you keep your PPC efforts strong when the budget gets lean?
April 2008
Alternative Pay-per-click Advertising: Consider using second-tier search engines
When should you consider advertising your products on sites other than on Google, Yahoo! and MSN? By properly identifying and evaluating various second-tier PPC advertising options, you may uncover a diamond in the rough.
February 2008
3 Questions You Must Ask Yourself About Your PPC
No matter if your campaigns spend $500 or $500,000 a month these three questions could save you from wasting your money and almost immediately increase the return of your investment in paid search marketing.
(3 marks)