public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from bhartzer with tags 2008 & candidates

29 February 2008

Important Campaign Issue for 2008 Presidential Candidates is Energy

Even though their plans vary widely, Democratic and Republican candidates alike agree that energy security should be high on the next presidents agenda.

29 January 2008

Retirees Polled About the 2008 Presidential Election - 2008 Presidential Candidates

1,700 likely retiree voters were surveyed about the 2008 Presidential election by a non-profit advocacy group, ProtectSeniors.Org, resulting in great news for Senator Hillary Clinton, good news for Senator John McCain, and bad news for Rudy Giuliani, former New York City Mayor. In addition, retirees caution Congress to pay less attention to steroids in baseball.

02 January 2008

Recent Poll: Democratic Presidential Candidates Edge Out Republicans for Being Preferred Neighbors

A new poll released today, as the 2008 Presidential primary season gets under way, reveals the candidates that U.S. adults view as the most desired neighbors.