August 2006
by 18 others"If you need to test your websites on MacOSX browsers this is the perfect place for you. We offer two services: a Safari screenshots generator (free) and a testing system based on VNC (paid)."
"Ce blog a pour but de vous apporter une aide en CSS et HTML."
July 2006
"Ce site est tout jeune : il est né le 12 avril 2004. Sa croissance est rapide puisque plus de 250 animations flash y sont déjà visibles. Mon but est de créer un maximum d'interactivité : toutes les animations sont réalisées à l'aide du langage de programmation ActionScript afin que l'internaute puisse jouer avec elles, les modifier, faire varier des paramètres."
round corners css
by 6 others"I was talking to Jesper about the dotted CSS borders trick and the subject of rounded corners in CSS came up so I showed him my method. There are other ways that I’ve seen it done, but the other methods always require lots of complex HTML and CSS. I figure that lots of nested divs aren’t much better than using a table, so my way doesn’t require much in the way of HTML or CSS. Here’s how I do it."
diagonales css
by 15 others"Cet article a pour origine notre participation à un concours de code (dont nous sommes fier d'avoir été le lauréat) pour lequel il s'agissait de reproduire, sans image, cette oeuvre de Mondrian (ce lien ouvre une fenêtre popup). Les curieux trouveront sur ces pages le règlement et le résultat de ce concours. Le challenge était donc de représenter des segments obliques séparant des aplats de couleurs par du code web compatible avec les principaux navigateurs. L'une des solutions, la plus simple probablement, consiste à exploiter les bordures d'éléments blocks CSS."
layout gala
by 104 others"In November 2005 I presented on a three-part article on creating CSS layouts using techniques like negative margins, any order columns and in some case opposite floats. The main goal of the article was getting the maximum number of layouts based on the same markup, each with valid CSS and HTML, without hacks nor workaround and a good cross-browser compatibility. The result is a set of 40 layouts that we've thought worth sharing: on each of them you'll find also a download link (if you want, you can download the entire collection, 40 HTML pages in a single zip file). Further details can be found below the gallery."
by 24 others" is a FREE online menu generation tool. * It's quick and easy to generate high quality website navigation menus * It's a great tool for the very beginner as well as the seasoned guru * The menus are list based, semantically correct, and cross-browser compliant * The menus are extremely easy to maintain/update on your own"
June 2006
abstract fonts
by 32 others"Since starting in 1998 we have grown to have over 10,000 free fonts and about 1 million unique downloads every month. You can view the fonts in many ways: latest, categories, designers, recent popularity, popularity climbers and sliders, similarity, best and worst rated, etc... Each of the fonts has a customizable string preview, character map, member comments, similar fonts as well as a font info tab with all kinds of helpful information about the font."
andreasviklund templates
by 4 others, 1 comment"This is the online home of Andreas Viklund, a 26-year old web designer from Jokkmokk, northern Sweden. This site features a blog, free website templates (and themes based on the same templates) and a whole lot of free music."
impenetrable link fader
by 2 others"This script will "fade" a link (as the mouse cursor hovers over it) from its original colour to a different colour (as defined by "fadeTo"). This colour is customizable and can be any hex colour (eg ffff00 00ff00 348900 etc). The effect works in Opera5.x, Mozilla/Netscape6.x and IE5.x (haven't tested in IE4). Netscape 4 (and other incompatible browsers) will not see the effect, nor will they alert the user with pesky JavaScript error messages."
by 62 others, 3 comments"Alsacréations est une communauté dédiée à la conception web aux normes, et notamment aux standards W3C, aux feuilles de style CSS, aux langages HTML et XHTML, ainsi qu'à l'accessibilité du Web en général. L'univers Alsacréations est articulé autour de plusieurs parties : un ensemble de cours et de tutoriels, un forum de discussion, une FAQ, un blog communautaire et un service emploi."
a list apart
by 101 others"Keep your presentation, structure, and behavior from touching. Persuade your boss to hire another webmaster. Make your accessible forms look like a beautiful butterfly."
image & after
by 50 others"Image*After is a large online free photo collection. You can download and use any image or texture from our site and use it in your own work, either personal or commercial."
open source templates
by 24 others"If you run a non profit org, and are needing to cut down on the costs associated with website development than you have come to the right place. We offer a wide range of free for personal use or non profit use website templates that are easy to modify and add content to."
(23 marks)