December 2005
November 2005
Plone, Plone Skin Dump content management software
Plone Skin Dump (qPloneSkinDump) allows to create Plone product based on some ZMI located skin folder (eg "custom") from portal_skins. So you can easy create Plone product with skin based on folder with customized styles and page templates.
How to customize specific icons in the navigation tree — Portal
This how-to will teach you how to use CSS for customizing the icon of an object in the navigation tree.
Five Tutorial for Plone developers
(via)This document teaches you how to use Five. Its goals are to familiarize you with some Zope 3 idioms and demonstrate how they are applied in a grown Zope 2 environment. It will do so in five steps, thus let you experience the iterative development process that has been acquired by Zope 3 developers and been used in my book as well. It will stop after those five steps, but still leave you with some possibilities to pad out the code with your own components.
October 2005
Jon Stahl’s Journal » Blog Archive » How Plone Can Become Kick-Ass Community Collaboration Software
(via)How Plone can become a community collaboration software !
The Linux Home Page in the UK
(via)CMFFeed is a CMFSin replacement solution, which acts as a RSS reader and aggregator for Plone.
(8 marks)