12 February 2007 09:45
Book it! Two Novel Ideas if You are Heading to the Big Apple
by 11 othersHeading to NYC? Here's two terrific reasons to hop on the train this month
12 February 2007 09:30
A New Twist on February Fun
by 12 othersLooking for something fun to do with the kids in February? Zip up those winter jackets, hop in the car and head down the Long Island Expressway
Long Island Music Man -- Brady Rymer
by 10 othersIf you have kids who love music, then you might already know all about Brady Rymer--or his fantastic music
Smokin Aces with Jeremy Pivan and Ray Liotta
by 9 othersSmokin Aces is an ensemble film of sorts- it contains a who’s who of A and B-list actors, but mostly B actors, or actors who used to be A at one point but then slipped to B
Blood Diamond with Leonardo Dicaprio
by 12 othersOur fellow movie going friend informed us that his father had seen it and told him that we would be crazy if we didn't do the same
(5 marks)