April 2007
January 2007
November 2006
Fleck.com - Fleck the Web!
by 8 othersFleck facilite l’annotation collaborative des pages web from TechCrunch en français by Michael Arrington et Ouriel Ohayon L’annotation collaborative de pages web est un sujet sur lequel beaucoup de sociétés travaillent. Ce secteur accueille un
November 2005
ILRT - What is Annotation? – A Short Review of Annotation and Annotation Systems [DRAFT]
définition du concept d'annotation. travail de recherche
Recommended annotation Software Downloads
NotateIt annotation software - annotate over any software application
Writing Annotation: Programming Annotation Software, PDF Annotation, Image Annotation Tool, C++ Programming SDK
iMarkup - Collaboration & Workflow Solutions for Digital Content
Informal Software
lu sur ce billet http://denham.typepad.com/km/2005/11/thinking_of_ann.html
(19 marks)