April 2010
Twitter Predicts Box-Office Sales Better Than a Prediction Market [Updated] | Design & Innovation | Fast Company
We've all got the vague intuition that Twitter allows you track, in real-time, what people are concerned about or obsessed with. But this is a little freaky: Two researchers at HP Labs, Sitaram Asur and Bernardo Huberman, have discovered that you can actually use Twitter mentions to predict how well a movie will do in it's first couple weekends of release. What's more, the method works even better than the most accurate method currently in use, the Hollywood Stock Exchange (HSX).
May 2009
The Ebb and Flow of Movies
Summer blockbusters and holiday hits make up the bulk of box office revenue each year, while contenders for the Oscars tend to attract smaller audiences that build over time. Here's a look at how movies have fared at the box office, after adjusting for inflation.
November 2008
Fight Club et l’activisme non révolutionnaire
C’est l’histoire d’un mec qui veut changer sa vie, qui doit changer la société et qui ne fait pas la révolution : il fait un réseau.
the end - a set on Flickr
A collection of end-image from a lot of movies
September 2008
(5 marks)