Belleza Infinita
Fundada en Bilbao en 2002, Belleza Infinita organiza eventos, edita y distribuye publicaciones, propuestas de género inclasificable que tratan de cuestionar los límites de la experiencia estética y de fomentar otras maneras de percibir, expresar y pensar.
Founded in Bilbao in 2002, Belleza Infinita (Infinite Beauty) edits and distributes artistic publications, unclassifiable proposals reflecting on beauty and aesthetic experience, and promoting another ways of perceiving, expressing and thinking.
O fluxo
O Fluxo is an evolving ever-changing online platform that explores the timeliness around creative context.
O Fluxo aims to disseminate a critical understanding of contemporary culture by promoting the work of media art professionals, emerging artists, activists and students from all over the world.
In addition to our online presence, we publish occasionally a printed edition dedicated to contemporary visuals in which each issue takes on a new theme and format.