public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from aflciopolitical with tag GoodBills

05 April 2006

CA: SB 1414 Assembly Bill - Status

Author: Migden LAST HIST. ACT. DATE: 04/03/2006 LAST HIST. ACTION : Hearing postponed by committee. COMM. LOCATION : SEN HEALTH

CA: SB 1414 Senate Bill - History

Establishes the Fair Share Health Care Fund; Requires for-profit employers with 10,000 or more employees to spend at least eight percent on health insurance and non-profit companies of the same size to spend six percent. If employers do not meet the mand

CA: SB 1414 Senate Bill Text

Establishes the Fair Share Health Care Fund; Requires for-profit employers with 10,000 or more employees to spend at least eight percent on health insurance and non-profit companies of the same size to spend six percent. If employers do not meet the mand

CA: SB1414

Establishes the Fair Share Health Care Fund; Requires for-profit employers with 10,000 or more employees to spend at least eight percent on health insurance and non-profit companies of the same size to spend six percent. If employers do not meet the mand

10 March 2006

Kentucky: HB399 - J. Jenkins

AN ACT relating to collective bargaining in public education.

01 March 2006

SACRAMENTO / Bill would make corporations get shareholder OK for political donations / Measure mirrors failed tactic that focused on unions

Wednesday, March 1, 2006 Sacramento -- Rekindling a political power struggle between unions and business interests, proposed legislation would require corporations to ask shareholders whether they approve of contributions made to California candidates or

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