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PUBLIC MARKS from adfunk with tag retirement


How to become a Businessman

Business is one of the most common and risky way of profession all over the world. After completing their schooling and numerous students every year leave their college and schools in a hope for getting a reputed job. As a number of those try to start their own business. But “security” is the primary factors that restrain them to do so. As getting a secure job in a company is far better than dealing directly with the clients, in addition a fixed salary is the main attraction.

Robert Kort - Kort Financial Profile

Robert Kort - Kort Services LLC Retirement Planning - Robert Kort 1. Educate yourself. We must take power of our financial future. Do you think your financial professional will be around to take care of you financially in your old age? No, I don’t think so. The only person you can depend on to take care of you is YOU. Educating yourself on the


You don’t have to spend money to become a successful investor!

Everyone in this world needs money. They would find any way possible to gain more money by the hour. This time, something got my attention, stock market. I find that, by investing in stock market in the right way, we could earn more money in a short period of time. But what’s bother me is I don’t even know the right way, right path into becoming a successful investor. I believe I need to learn more about investing in stock market. Then do I have to get a financial consultant to help me in this matter? Doesn’t it will cost a great deal of money?


Quit work for a year: 7 steps to do it right

Taking a break may be just the thing to spark your spirits. But keep in mind these seven points to ensure that your mini-retirement doesn’t produce maxi-regret. It’s time for a break. It’s something everyone thinks about on occasion, but now an increasing number of people are taking mid-career sabbaticals as a way to refresh their creativity, or to do things they’ve always wanted to do.