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PUBLIC MARKS from adfunk with tags "replica handbags" & "replica prada"

23 June 2009

Replica Doesn’t Mean Low Quality

Fashion is an expensive hobby; however it gives someone the pleasure of owning something that is fashionable and trendy while at the same time becoming a chat topic for others. Most of the fashion lovers are females and a lot of females including those who have little interest towards fashion products will love to buy fashionable products especially handbags. Some will even fork out some portion of their salary to buy the genuine branded handbags, while some will just buy the replica handbags of the brand.

03 May 2009

Copied Handbags

One must be wondering, why there are so many people dreaming of owning a Louis Vuitton? It’s simple; the brand itself resembles the quality and the durability of the product and the material used to make the product. It is priceless for one to own a Louis Vuitton handbag, but to own a genuine Louis Vuitton bag is not cheap. It comes with an expensive price tag which not many of us can afford. The demand for replica Louis Vuitton increasing daily due to the fact that the brand itself will look good on one, and the ever unique design of each model.