public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from adfunk with tag "merchant services"

September 2009

Are you looking to work with the top Credit Card Processing company!

Since 1994, Credit Card Processor (CCP) has maintained a reputation as one of the most trusted merchant services provider in the payment card industry. Credit Crad Processor has enabled over high tech processing solutions. Since its inception 15 years ago, CCP has grown substantially by providing solutions for small to large businesses, major and minor league baseball organizations, nationwide chain outlets, theme parks, agent bank programs and associations, with a network of over 100 affiliated offices. Many businesses nationwide to accept credit card payments by offering the most competitive deals on merchant processing solutions while providing extraordinary service and support.

August 2008


Found a great blog called the Credit Card Processing Blog which reports about merchant accounts and the latest industry news on credit card processing. Recent post discusses the financial opportunity in merchant services sales, where you can earn six-figure income selling merchant accounts. This seems to be a perfect opportunity for a highly motivated person looking to start a new business.