public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from adfunk with tags internet & "make money online"

June 2009

Simple and Lucrative: No More Checks - Instant Payments to You!

There is a new program that just came out on June 1st, and is taking the internet by storm. The name of this amazing system is called the Simple and Lucrative Plan. So what is it about this program that makes it stand out from the rest? It’s the fact that when you make a sale in this program, you get paid $300 INSTANTLY. You don’t have to wait for commission checks to come in the mail. This system uses PayPal and Alert Pay to collect the payments, so when the transaction is complete, your funds are available to you immediately!

October 2008

Earn through Internet Marketing

If you think that the internet is just a source of information, think again. More and more people are using the internet to its fullest advantage by making profits through blogging, or more precisely, writing advertorials or reviews. If you think the returns are low, think again. It really depends on how you utilise the tools available. Lately I’ve been quite into this whole earning online thing. You’d be surprised that there are quite a number of sites out there that can give some great pointers. Take Radu for example, who started an internet marketing blog to share some information about internet marketing.