March 2010
Secured Loans And Remortgages Are Against Methods Of Debt Consolidation
For the three years of the recession the secured loans industry was in a state of deep depressioin as were the mortgage and remortgage sectors. The cause of the recession was, as is a well known fact, caused to a great extent by the reckless lending practices of banks and buildindg societies who liberally advanced loans both to private individuals and companies who simply could not afford to repay the debt.
February 2009
What's Your Credit Score?
When you apply for a homeowner loan, mortgage or credit card, the lender will check your credit record as part of processing your application. A poor credit score means .high risk. in the mind of the lender and can make it difficult to obtain a loan, lenders who lend in these circumstances tend to be more expensive because of the high interest charged.
(2 marks)