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PUBLIC MARKS from adfunk with tags Melbourne & "vic hardware"

17 August 2009

T & N Maintenance Suppliers of Security Screen Door Locks & Hardware

Sometimes, we get unwanted visit or trespasser to our house. This kind of situation is unavoidable and can happen more to some compare to others. The reason being is some of us have more secured house doors and windows, while some house doors can be easily broken in by others. To prevent this from happening, the house should be installed with security door locks or window locks that can deter man from entering the house from the outside without keys.

15 August 2009

T & N Maintenance Suppliers of Fibreglass Fly Screen Mesh

When we first purchase our new house, we will all be very proud owner to a new property. For most of us, we will be planning the house renovation, budgeting for the renovation cost, furniture, electrical appliances and many more. Sadly speaking, most of us do tend to forget one very important asset in the property that needs protection and design as well. It is the door, in which we use daily and now and then for privacy and security.