October 2011
Ken, katana, bokken et bokuto par Suga Toshiro - Budo no nayami
L'idéogramme de ken est composé de deux parties. La partie droite représente l'arme. La partie gauche plus sophistiquée représente un anneau et deux chaines.
July 2010
Bokuto ni yoru kendo kihon waza keikoho | [ kenshi247.net ]
I am sure most if not all regular kenshi247.net readers have at least heard of bokuto ni yoru kihon waza keiko ho if not already actively practising it (some people for years I guess). The first time I was introduced to it was in 2000 (or 2001?) at a seminar in Brussels, Belgium. What we were doing wasn’t explained to us and we rushed through the practise of it. 10 years later I find myself in a position where I must actively teach this to my beginner students as – starting this year (2010) – it has become a requirement for ikkyu across Japan.
The fundamental concept of Kendo is to cut with a sword: the Shinai representing the sword. However, this concept has become obscured, as Kendo has become more sports oriented. The Kendo Kata was established in 1912 to teach to and preserve the concept that the shinai and the katana are one in the same; however, the Kendo Kata, in addition to being difficult for most beginners, is infrequently practiced and is often exercised only in hurried preparation for examinations. Therefore, the Bokuto Ni Yoru Kendo Kihon-waza Keiko-ho was developed to bridge the gap between modern kendo practice and traditional training concepts and values.
(3 marks)