May 2005
Shoppers to pay by fingerprint
A German supermarket chain has introduced a new way of allowing customers to pay using just their fingerprints.
March 2005 - Discount coupons by RSS feed
by 1 otherFor discount junkies, Coupons, Inc., a U.S. provider of consumer-printable coupons, has rolled out an RSS feed to deliver advertisers’ coupons.
Sneaker Freaker Magazine : Puma Bessier
Trainers with fangs - Only 24 pairs of the Beisser will be available exclusively from Hype DC Pitt St this April.
Buy Blue - A-Z companies listing based on political contributions
Where Apple, Google, ebay and Footlocker are blue, and fast food chains - MacDonald, Burger King, Wendy - are red.
Smart Shopping and Ubiquitous Computing
February 2005
Ummah Foods
Ummah Foods hopes to become a global brand for Muslim consumers and donates ten per cent of profits from the sale of its products to charities and community projects.
Gizmondo to open first store on Regent Street
Opening 25 February 2005, its two floors will immerse visitors in the Gizmondo experience.
The T-Shirt Deli - Made Fresh Daily
"T-shirt makers make better lovers" by Chigago world famous T-shirt Deli.
Freshness magazine
Dedicated to the rambles and reveries of a sneaker freak and a toy freak that share New York City as their home.
(11 marks)