April 2007
Codehaus XFire
by 2 others (via)Webservice stack that supports XMLbean, castor, JiXB and jaxb data bindings.
glassfish: GlassFish Community
by 5 others (via)Webservice stack that have many features and support Jaxb data binding.
March 2007
innoQ Resources: Web Services Standards as of Q1 2007
poster which provides an overview of the Web services standards landscape, with the aim of refraining from introducing any sort of opinion or vendor focus.
February 2007
webMethods Glue 5.0.2 User Guide
by 1 other (via)webMethods Glue™ is an easy-to-use, fast, comprehensive platform for creating and deploying applications with web services, JSPs and servlets. It is the result of our uncompromising desire for simplicity, and allows industrial-strength web services applications to be built in the true spirit of Java.
October 2006
September 2006
Apprendre REST - un style d'architecture du Web
by 5 othersREST est un style architectural permettant de développer des applications Web. Vous trouverez dans ces pages un ensemble de ressources pour pouvoir développer vos services Web en respectant ce style d'architecture.
Make Yahoo! Web Service REST Calls with JavaScript and XMLHttpRequest - Yahoo! Developer Network
(via)This article explains how to call restful webservices from Yahoo.
March 2006
EL4J, the Extension Library for the J2EE
Etend Spring's remoting pour exposer un POJO sur SOAP.
(9 marks)