Canoo WebTest
by 4 others Canoo WebTest is a free open source tool for automated testing of web applications.
It calls web pages and verifies results, giving comprehensive reports on success and failure.
EMMA vs. Cobertura for Code Coverage
JFunc: JUnit Functional Testing Extension
by 2 others (via)Functional testing, or integration testing, is testing concerned with the entire system, not just small pieces (or units) of code. For those interesting in unit testing, JUnit is currently the premiere unit testing framework for Java software.
James Shore: Successful Software
by 1 other (via)Microsoft has completely missed the point of TDD. They got it wrong. Do not follow their guidelines: they will decrease productivity. You'll find that the process they've described doesn't work. If you stick with it, you'll find yourself writing increasingly bad code to work around its problems.
(12 marks)