May 2005
Britney Pukes in Hotel Pool
(via)Wars are going on and all they can think to report about is some pregnant woman's morning sickness?
(via)The description of the term 'internets', as per the Urban Dictionary.
April 2005
Nothing Runs Like a Deere - OnRobo - Home and Entertainment Robot News and Reviews
(via)A six-legged John Deere tractor. Now that's rockin'!
March 2005
February 2005
December 2004
a Brazilian bikini wax
I'll put this in my "never going to happen" file.
November 2004
Bald Celebs
Some are really ugly looking. Books: The Daily Show with Jon Stewart Presents America (The Book): A Citizen\'s Guide to Democracy Inaction
Cheeky, irreverent and playfully ingenuous, this abbreviated history of democracy is everything one would expect from the writers of Comedy Central's fake news program, which recently (and somewhat scandalously) won the Television Critics Association's aw
Jump The Shark - Chronicling the Moments of When TV Shows go Downhill
by 2 othersWhen did your favorite show jump the shark?
GTA Vice City's VCPR transcript
Hilarity ensues. Who does Alex Shrub remind you of?
July 2004
(16 marks)