public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from Country

June 2007

March 2007

February 2007

Vertical Centering in CSS

by 18 others (via)
Yuhu's Definitive Solution with Unknown Height

January 2007

POMPAGE - Design de poche : Porter votre site web au petit écran

by 1 other (via)
Design de poche : Porter votre site web au petit écran

Les liens d'évitement - Alsacréations

by 8 others (via)
L'article de Jean-Pierre fait le tour de ce concept de liens d'évitement : leur historique, leur mise en place concrète, leurs bénéfices apportés.

Forming Effective CSS Classes & IDs at SixThings

by 1 other (via)
If you’ve ever had trouble establishing a naming standard for your CSS classes, or if you work closely with a developer who demands uniformity when assigning IDs elements, here are some conventions (as well as some of my personal preferences on usage) that should help you form effective, easy-to-remember and predictable names.

CSS First-Aid for IE Peekaboo Bug at SixThings

by 1 other (via)
That annoying IE peekaboo bug just doesn’t know when to stop. Apparently, even IE7 exhibits this bug, and it appears to be worse than its predecessor.

DOMTool | Muffin Research Labs by Stuart Colville

A nice utility that takes HTML as an input and outputs the correct DOM methods for inserting that content into a document.

Safari CSS Hack | Articles | iBloom Studios

by 4 others
Although I don't condone the use of CSS hacks, I know that someone may find this useful. I haven't seen this hack (or any Safari hack) before, so I decided to put it out there.

December 2006

Adobe - CSS Advisor beta

by 3 others (via)
A new service by Adobe that lets you find solutions to CSS and browser compatibility issues.

November 2006

October 2006

HTML Purifier

by 4 others (via)
HTML Purifier is a standards-compliant HTML filter library written in PHP.

Web design for the Sony PSP

This article is an introduction to designing and building web pages for the Sony PSP. We'll be looking at the browser's main features, outlining its support for various web technologies, and demonstrating a range of useable techniques and hacks.

September 2006

Paris Web 2006 c'est fini !

by 1 other
Des orateurs de qualités, des sujets très intéressants et bien sûr énormément de personnalités de la blogosphère française.

Methods for Containing Floats

by 3 others
Floating elements within a container can be frustrating if the container has a background image, colour or borders.

Javascript inheritance for AJAX

Introducing the best Javascript Inheritance Technique

How to correctly insert a Flash into XHTML » La Trine

by 5 others
Although flash is the most spread active element of webpages, a lot of designers still don't know the correct way to insert it into HTML document.. The standard concept, advertised by Macromedia is absolutely unusable.

Country's TAGS


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accessibilité   actualité   adobe   ajax   api   ASP   blog   breizh   bretagne   browser   bug   capture   character   code   compatibility   counter-strike   cs   css   design   document object model   dom   extension   firefox   flash   flex   flv   forum   fr   générateur   hack   hacks   half-life   hl   hl2   html   ie   ie7   image   internet explorer   javascript   jeux video   jeux vidéos   js   k1der   lan   lan arena   lan party   logiciel   logiciel libre   mac   macromedia   magasine   matériel   miniature   mods   mont de marsan   mozilla   mysql   navigateur   navigateurs   node   noeud   object javascript   php   pixel   plugin   png   prototype   red5   reference   rewrite   référence   rss   safari   screenshot   section 508   simulation   site   site web   small   standards   streaming   technologie   test   tutoriels   typo   unicode   utf8   validateur   validator   w3c   wcag   web   webdesign   webmaster   webstandards   wml   xhtml   xml   xmlhttprequest