public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from -Nicolas- with tags css & xml

July 2007

November 2006

XML Transformations with CSS and DOM

by 1 other
This article demonstrates how to render XML in the browser with a minimum of CSS and JavaScript. The examples that follow were written for and tested with Mozilla 1.0 for Mac OS X and Windows 2000. This article is not a comprehensive tutorial on DOM, CSS, or XML, and a basic understanding of each of these technologies is required.

October 2006

August 2006

SVGround : cours SVG

by 1 other
SVGround est un site mettant à votre disposition des cours sur SVG (version 1.1) les plus complets possibles. L'objectif initial est de mettre en ligne des cours hexaustifs sur cette spécification. SVG est le language de dessin vectoriel crée et promu par le W3C.

June 2005

April 2005

Traductions françaises des documents du W3C

by 13 others
Liste des traductions françaises disponibles des documents du W3C