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PUBLIC MARKS with tags yahoo & webdesign




Design Stencils - Yahoo! Design Pattern Library

by marco & 10 others
Yahoo! Design Stencil Kit version 1.0 is available for OmniGraffle, Visio (XML), Adobe Illustrator (PDF and SVG), and Adobe Photoshop (PNG)

Select box with fixed width

by maxxyme & 1 other
Select box I.E. width problem (use javascript library)

Drop down <select /> with fixed width

by maxxyme
Fix drop-down &lt;select /&gt; with fixed width cutt-off bugs on IE (use Yahoo! javascript library)


Pros and Cons of Rich Media Interactions -

by sbrothier
Bill Scott, the former AJAX Evangelist for Yahoo, recently gave a talk about Rich media interaction - or more precisely the pros and cons of many the modern interaction methods that are being used in today's websites and web applications.

Yahoo! Design Pattern Library

by bhenriet & 9 others
Yahoo Design Pattern Library for webdesign

Globalwarming awareness2007

by globalwarming-awareness+2007 & 1 other
Global warming is the observed increase in the average temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere and oceans in recent decades, and its projected continuation.

flickr logo maker

by chunmin & 16 others
you can make flickr style logo.


Google Blatantly Copies Yahoo!? (by Jeremy Zawodny)

by sbrothier & 2 others
I'm not sure if this is stupidity, laziness, or a mix of both, but check this out.

Website Top Nav (with submenus built from markup)

by marco & 2 others
This example demonstrates how to build a menubar with submenus created using existing markup

Internet Soul Portraits

by sbrothier & 1 other
Des sites débarrassés de tout contenu, purgés de leur substantifique moelle éditoriale, telle est la tentative de décontextualisation infographique proposée par Mark Callahan. Son Internet Soul Portraits met textuellement à nu les géants du net. Yahoo, MSN, MySpace ou Amazon, sabrés de leur enrobage syntaxique, ne laissent apparaître que des formes colorées irrémissiblement vides. Avant-goût d’une éventuelle apocalypse où seuls des vestiges HTML subsisteraient à l’intérieur d’un réseau des réseaux déshumanisé, ces captures font indéniablement penser aux mots de Heinrich Heine : "Nous ne comprenons guère les ruines que le jour où nous-mêmes le sommes devenus".

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag yahoo

business +   cnet +   google +   internet +   microsoft +   search +   seo +   serps +  

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