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PUBLIC MARKS with tags wsgi & web


Bottle: Python Web Framework - Bottle: Python Web Framework

by ghis
Bottle is a fast and simple WSGI web-framework for Python packed into a single file with no external dependencies.


Snakes on the Web

by marco
There's a huge opportunity for Python to be the backend language of choice for HTML 5 web applications.

Tornado Web Server Documentation

by greut

Tornado comes with limited support for WSGI. However, since WSGI does not support non-blocking requests, you cannot use any of the asynchronous/non-blocking features of Tornado in your application if you choose to use WSGI instead of Tornado's HTTP server. Some of the features that are not available in WSGI applications: @tornado.web.asynchronous, the httpclient module, and the auth module.

in other words: WSGI sucks


by greut

Smisk is a simple, high-performance and scalable web service framework written in C, but controlled by Python. Smisk is currently used in production by Spotify and Livebloggen.

Can work on WSGI application, thanks Spotify!

Werkzeug 0.4.1 released! » Armin Ronacher

by greut

Werkzeug, the swiss army knife for Python web developers.

the WSGI anti-framework


selector - WSGI Delegation

by pvergain & 1 other (via)
This distribution provides WSGI middleware for "RESTful" mapping of URL paths to WSGI applications. Selector now also comes with components for environ based dispatch and on-the-fly middleware composition. There is a very simple optional mini-language for path expressions. Alternately we can easily use regular expressions directly or even create our own mini-language. There is a simple "mapping file" format that can be used. There are no architecture specific features (to MVC or whatever). Neither are there any framework specific features. Best of all, selector is the simplest thing that will work well (IMHO).


PEP 333 -- Python Web Server Gateway Interface v1.0

by benoit & 1 other
This document specifies a proposed standard interface between web servers and Python web applications or frameworks, to promote web application portability across a variety of web servers.

Python Routes | 2006-01-30 | BitWorking

by roberto & 2 others (via)
Routes, dispatch and Kid together would make a nice un-framework.

Overview | Colubrid

by roberto
Colubrid is a WSGI request handler which simplifies python web developement.


:: cleverdevil ::: Python, FastCGI, WSGI, and lighttpd

by bader & 1 other (via)
Right now, the lighttpd web server is all the rage with Ruby on Rails people, PHP people, and excellent hosting providers. Why is this? Because lighttpd is extremely lightweight, has a small footprint, scales like nobody’s business, and is fast fast fast. The internals of lighttpd are really interesting, using kqueue and other fancy asynchronous networking operating system support to really put Apache to shame. But, the internals of lighttpd are a topic for another day…

:: cleverdevil ::: Python, FastCGI, WSGI, and lighttpd

by roberto & 1 other
Right now, the lighttpd web server is all the rage with Ruby on Rails people, PHP people, and excellent hosting providers. Why is this? Because lighttpd is extremely lightweight, has a small footprint, scales like nobody’s business, and is fast fast fast. The internals of lighttpd are really interesting, using kqueue and other fancy asynchronous networking operating system support to really put Apache to shame. But, the internals of lighttpd are a topic for another day…

Project: PyFileServer

by roberto
PyFileServer is a WSGI web application for sharing filesystem directories over WebDAV. It comes bundled with a WSGI web server for standalone operation or can be incorporated into other WSGI-compatible web frameworks like Python Webware or Python Paste.

URL Parsing With WSGI And Paste

by roberto
This document is intended for web framework authors and integrators, and people who want to understand the internal architecture of Paste.


WSGI Utils

by roberto
Package of standalone utility libraries that ease the development of simple WSGI programs.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag wsgi

fastcgi +   python +   scgi +  

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