August 2007
Tìm Việc Làm & Tuyển Dụng, Vieclam, Timviec, Tuyendung, Online Recruiting Web Site in Vietnam
by lamviecThis website is a recruiting website in Vietnam. The site is primarily in Vietnamese, but can also be viewed to some extent in English and Japanese. Numerous very good positions listed here.
January 2007
something that realy works
by girtslThe first program that offers an ipod for 20$. You don`t need to look for referrals. All you have to do is wait in the "line" (~2,5 mounths). You need just a e-gold account. This is something realy alternative (page, program created by some Slovakian guy`s). But who ceares - the shiping is 100% free.
(2 marks)