April 2008
BPM Tutorial | BPM Research
by nhoizeyThe following slides have been presented at a workshop on Business Process Automation, held at the 2004 Americas Conference on Information Systems in New York, NY, on August 5th, 2004.
February 2007
Andres Aguiar's Weblog : Workflow and Rich Object Frameworks
by nhoizey (via)Les workflows comme compléments des objets pour la logique applicative...
June 2006
Pentaho - Open Source Business Intelligence - Home
by nhoizey & 4 othersThe Pentaho BI Project provides enterprise-class reporting, analysis, dashboard, data mining and workflow capabilities that help organizations operate more efficiently and effectively. The software offers flexible deployment options that enable use as embeddable components, customized BI application solutions, and as a complete out-of-the-box, integrated BI platform.
En attendant Windows Vista, la version 3.0 du framework .NET donne plus de visibilité à WinFX - Weblog - Clever Age
by nhoizeyAyant déjà pris plusieurs fois du retard, la sortie de Windows Vista se précise néanmoins, au travers notamment de la mise à disposition anticipée de plusieurs de ses composants techniques.
(4 marks)