public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags wiki & tag

October 2007

Une suite collaborative complète

by Giraultises & 3 others (via)
CoMindWork est un ensemble de service pour collaborer. Vous pourrez donc avoir un accès à un gestionnaire de projet, un wiki, un blog, des tags, la gestion des tickets, un trackeur, une boite email et un lecteur RSS, un gestionnaire de communauté, un gestionnaire de fichiers, ... et d'autres encore. Le seul bémol, c'est l'ergonomie qui me parait un peu pas top...

March 2007

Une application composée d'un wiki et un blog

by Giraultises & 11 others (via)
XWiki est une plateforme de base wiki qui est élaborée depuis plus de 3 ans. C'est une solution professionnelle pour pouvoir mettre en place facilement un blog et un wiki en version Internet ou Intranet.

December 2006

WagN: a deep merger of wiki and tagging

by clochix
WagN is a deep merger of wiki and tagging—not just a wiki with tagging, but wiki and tags all mashed up together. WagN can do everything a regular wiki can do- but it can also handle data in a way that regular wikis can’t. * WagN is made of cards A card is a chunk of information. * Cards can be connected Whenever two cards are related, you can “connect” them, creating a new card to explain the relationship. * Cards are named with tags A tag is basically just a word or phrase. Every tag has a card that explains it, and every card has a title comprised of one or more tags. A simple card's title is a single tag, while a connection card has a title built from multiple tags.

May 2006

March 2006


by tagzine & 31 others (via)
free, easy tools for creating wiki web sites where the readers are also the writers.


by ycc2106 & 31 others
free, easy tools for creating wiki web sites where the readers are also the writers.

February 2006

October 2005

Ken - SWiK

by cnkenlee

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag wiki

censure +   information +   journalisme +   secret +   wikileaks +  

Active users

last mark : 03/10/2007 10:13

last mark : 11/12/2006 18:09

last mark : 08/05/2006 02:23

last mark : 08/03/2006 11:50

last mark : 08/03/2006 11:19

last mark : 22/02/2006 10:17

last mark : 13/10/2005 05:48