by ycc2106Publish, Discuss, Socialize. Create your own community. Blogs, Microblogs, Wikis and Forums made easy. And it's free.
Swickis - a new kind of search engine or search results aggregator
by macroron & 3 othersallows anyone to create deep, focused searches on topics you care about and then share them on your site as tags. It sounds very similar to Dave Pell's Rollyo - except with tags. You can see Swicki implemented on this site.
OSx86 Project - Home
by macroron & 6 othersthe latest news about OS X on x86 hardware. We're not about hacking - we're here to discuss the world's most advanced OS on x86 hardware. Check out our wiki for tutorials and other information. Also, join our forum to engage in some great conversation.
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