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PUBLIC MARKS with tags wiki & extension


PmWiki WikiPublisher - DSMW : Distributed Semantic Media Wiki

by CharlesNepote & 1 other

DSMW is an extension of Semantic Mediawiki (SMW). It allows to create a network of SMW servers that share common semantic wiki pages. DSMW manages synchronisation of shared semantic pages and ensures CCI consistency as in Google Wave. CCI stands for Causality, Convergence, Intentions (see papers for more informations).


Universal Edit Button - Universal Edit Button

by parmentierf
The Universal Edit Button is a green pencil icon wiki.png in the address bar that indicates a web page is editable.

Extension Matrix - MediaWiki

by nhoizey
The Extension Matrix provides an overview of the extensions on this site. Note that this list is by no means exhaustive: it only covers pages in the Extension namespace that use Template:Extension.



BBComposer, éditeur de BBCode, XBBCode, XHTML et Wiki pour Firefox

by nfroidure
Le BBComposer est une barre d'outil pour Firefox qui permet d'éditer des BBCodes comme dans un logiciel de traitement de textes (en WYSIWYG).

Semantic MediaWiki -

by parmentierf & 2 others (via)
Semantic MediaWiki (SMW) is an extension of MediaWiki – the wiki-system powering Wikipedia – with semantic technology, thus turning it into a semantic wiki. This wiki (the one you're just using) is usually running on the most recent version of the Semantic MediaWiki extensions, and thus also serves as a demonstration for the system. Semantic MediaWiki is used on many other sites and has also been featured in the press.

Et le wiki devint sémantique

by parmentierf & 9 others (via)
J'avoue que j'ai été bluffé par cette application appelée Semantic Mediawiki et qui constitue une extension au logiciel Mediawiki.


PUBLIC TAGS related to tag wiki

censure +   information +   journalisme +   secret +   wikileaks +  

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