October 2006
Fungow - Welcome to fungow.com!
by jackiege & 4 othersvia http://blog.watsonxu.com/2006/10/fungow.html 仅提供分类没有Tag,比较适合主题相关的收藏
September 2006
Taggly - Online Social Bookmarks Manager
by jackiege & 7 others又一个社会网络书签,收藏的网页会显示缩略图。界面比较清新,试用了一下,感觉还不错。
Hinale / 网聚你我,随心沟通
by jackiege & 2 othersHinale是国内的一个新型的网页聚合工具,它的内容提交方式很新颖,你只需输入网页地址,Hinale会自动抓取该网页的所有内容,包括标题,当然你也可以对其进行再次编辑,完善或者修改相应内
Podchains.net » The Podcast Playlist Builder
by jackiegeAllows users to bookmark "already-online" media and constructs an RSS feed around your bookmarked items, which you can then give out to friends or just subscribe to yourself with iTunes or any other Podcatcher.
August 2006
July 2006
June 2006
Foundd - Re-search Engine
by jackiege & 1 other个人搜索引擎,通过网站提供的bookmarklet可以搜索选择Google, Yahoo!,Technorati, Del.icio.us, Digg, Rollyo, craigslist, and the NYT. 允许 drag-and-drop图标或者超链保存喜欢的网页和链接.对保存结果全文搜索.
MarkaBoo :: better bookmarks for everyone
by jackiege & 6 othersBookmark websites, files and notes side-by-side from your browser, email, or mobile phone to organize your data and share it with others. The source code is Creative Commons to encourage collaboration.
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