October 2006
by jackiege & 3 othersvia http://www.dragon4.net/blog/?p=800 http://www.wappblog.com/entry/224.html
September 2006
Spotback - Personal News
by jackiege & 21 others******via http://blog.watsonxu.com/2006/09/spotback.html
SafePasswd - Generate Secure Passwords
by jackiege & 9 others密码生成器Generate "safe and secure passwords on the fly for your web applications quickly and easily." Includes support for hex, so you can create WEP keys in addition to passwords.
Interaction - Free Web 2.0 instant messaging and live chat support
by jackiege & 3 others网站拥有者和访问者的交流聊天工具A free AJAX-based chat application for the visitors of a web site to discuss in real time with the owner of the site. Interaction is available is 3 different versions
Taggly - Online Social Bookmarks Manager
by jackiege & 7 others又一个社会网络书签,收藏的网页会显示缩略图。界面比较清新,试用了一下,感觉还不错。
Hinale / 网聚你我,随心沟通
by jackiege & 2 othersHinale是国内的一个新型的网页聚合工具,它的内容提交方式很新颖,你只需输入网页地址,Hinale会自动抓取该网页的所有内容,包括标题,当然你也可以对其进行再次编辑,完善或者修改相应内
by jackiege & 6 others# sitename.wikidot.com - nice clean domain# create and edit pages quickly# invite people to edit pages# 100 MB storage# RSS feeds# RSS exports
BuyersVine Beta Wine Search
by jackiegeBuyersVine是一个互动性质的酒类信息搜索服务,普通用户可以通过一个ajax驱动的面板拖曳标签来搜索;而酿酒厂可以免费录入各类酒的信息(包括色泽、产地、口感等等)
Squirl: A Site for Collectors
by jackiege & 4 others分享整理自己的收藏品:图书/CD/影碟/明信片/模型/汽车/飞机/大炮.在Squirl里,同类Items组成Collections,无论对Items还是Collections都可以进行留言评论,对自己的Item还能加上Tags。
Dapper: The Data Mapper
by jackiege & 7 others******A service that allows anyone to create an API for any website without needing to program.
August 2006
Lingr - Say it!
by jackiege & 11 others提供个性化聊天室服务。通过首页的搜索框,输入你感兴趣的关键字,就可以进入其他人设立的相关主题的聊天室。并且当你注册后,你也可以自已建立一个聊天室,等待别人加入后就可以开聊
Adoppt: Make Friends, Have Fun
by jackiege & 3 othersAdoppt is a community of online friends, diaries and journals. You can start your online journal (aka blog or weblog) for free, share thoughts and favorite web sites with your friends and meet cool new friends!
July 2006
June 2006
Incito - Interactive Everything
by jackiegeSwfJax uses a lightweight SWF (Adobe's Small Web Format or simply - Flash) engine to get XML data from the server and xPath (XML Path Language) to address a part of data it has retrieved. Data can be returned back to Javascript as an Array. You can also send multiple xPath queries at once.