GoogleChromeLabs/critters: 🦔 A Webpack plugin to inline your critical CSS and lazy-load the rest.
by srcmaxCritters is a plugin that inlines your app's critical CSS and lazy-loads the rest.
Best practices for fonts
by srcmaxThis article discusses performance best practices for fonts. There are a variety of ways in which web fonts impact performance:
Delayed text rendering: If a web font has not loaded, browsers typically delay text rendering. In many situations, this delays First Contentful Paint (FCP). In some situations, this delays Largest Contentful Paint (LCP).
Layout shifts: The practice of font swapping has the potential to cause layout shifts and so impact Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS). These layout shifts occur when a web font and its fallback font take up different amounts of space on the page.
GitHub - fasterize/HowSlow: A Service Worker that monitors network requests to estimate bandwidth and RTT
by srcmaxA Service Worker that monitors network requests to estimate bandwidth and RTT
JavaScript Optimization  | Web Fundamentals  | Google Developers
by dzcDelivering less JavaScript can mean less time in network transmission, less spent decompressing code and less time parsing and compiling this JavaScript.
GTmetrix | Website Speed and Performance Optimization
by srcmax & 1 otherAnalyze your site’s speed and make it faster.
You Don't Need the DOM Ready Event
by dzc & 1 otherIt usually takes a long time for the DOM ready event to fire. During this time, many parts of a webpage are inactive as they wait for Javascript to kick in and initialize them. This delay is significant and makes a rich web application become available slower. Creates a bad user experience, doesn't adhere to any design pattern and is, really, not needed...
Lazy Loading Images? Don’t Rely On JavaScript! | Robin Osborne
by dzc & 1 otherGiven the potential limitations, let’s work on a solution that can handle all my concerns:
a. works without JavaScript (i.e., lazy loading is an enhancement)
b. vanilla js – no dependencies on jquery or angularjs
c. works with broken JavaScript (i.e., the browser supports JavaScript, but there’s a js error somewhere which causes your script to break; might not even be your fault!)
Front-end Guidelines Questionnaire: Writing consistent & cohesive code
by dzc & 1 otherA one-page questionnaire to help your team establish effective frontend guidelines, so that you can write consistent & cohesive code together.
High Performance Browser Networking (O'Reilly)
by dzc & 1 otherThis book is required reading for anyone who cares about web performance; it's already established as the go-to reference on the topic.
—Mark Nottingham (IETF HTTPBis Chair)
Why AMP is fast
by dzcWhile this article is about optimizations in AMP, it might also be useful as a kind of todo list for optimizing a non-AMP website.