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PUBLIC MARKS with tags web & share




OpenGoo: An Open Source Web Office

by camel & 1 other
OpenGoo is an Open Source Web Office. It is a complete solution for every organization to create, collaborate, share and publish all its internal and external documents.

Free Radio Streaming - Stream MP3 and WAV files with Ease | iRadeo

by camel & 3 others
iRadeo is a free online radio platform that allows anyone to stream their MP3 or WAV files. Once installed, iRadeo will automatically detect and stream any supported file format that has been uploaded to the specified directory. Benefits of iRadeo: * It's 100% FREE * Start your own free online radio station * Use to stream both music and podcasts * Share your favorite music with others * Customize to fit your web site

gnizr - Google Code

by jpcaruana & 2 others (via)
gnizr™ (gə-nīzər) is an open source application for social bookmarking and web mashup. It is easy to use gnizr to create a personalized portal for a group of friends and colleagues to store, classify and share information, and to mash-it-up with information about location. It's free.

How To Set Up A Debian Linux WebCam Server Using a USB Web Cam

by camel & 1 other
First and foremost, be prepared to have some patience when trying to get a USB cam to work under Linux. In trying to get mine to work, I searched many a newsgroup thread only to find there was only one message in the thread, the original question stating the problem. i.e. no one had an answer for the person who posted the question so you may be on your own trying to get your cam to work. Often times the same camera model will use different drivers for different sub-models (ex: not all QuickCam Express sub-models use the same driver). However, my trials and tribulations were a good learning experience and I'll share what I learned here to hopefully make your setup easier.

Mindomo - Web-based mind mapping software

by oqdbpo & 21 others
Mindomo is a versatile Web-based mind mapping tool, delivering the capabilities of desktop mind mapping software in a Web browser - with no complex software to install or maintain. Create, edit mind maps, and share them with your colleagues or your friends.


Xen Virtualization: Work with MySQL Server, Ruby on Rails, and Subversion

by camel (via)
In this article, Prabhakar Chaganti will show us to create virtual appliances that perform one specific function. These appliances can be web servers, database servers or anything else that you can think of which is useful for your business. The key advantage with these appliances is the fact that they are mostly maintenance free, and can be started up and then used without going through any lengthy installation process. You can use these as needed for your testing and then dispose them off. You can also use them for staging environments or production environments, and you can even share them across the enterprise. - Patterns in Interaction Design

by oqdbpo & 6 others
A Pattern Library for Interaction Design This site contains a lot of best practices in Interaction Design. Over the years I have collected examples and insight on their applicability that I share with you here on this. So there is really no 'original' design to be found here, sorry. It has all been done before... See it as a reference or basic 'toolkit' you can use when design user experiences. It is no substitute for creative design, it simply seeks to describe what we know and have learned about solutions you will find abundantly on the web and even beyond. Every 'solution' described in these patterns may succeed in one context but may also fail in another. The challenge is to understand why and how it depends on elements of the context of use. I give you my opinion here, but may opinion is also subject to new this site will be updated!

Online zip - custom php script

by Jayant & 1 other
Online zip is very good php script that allows users to add files to a zip online and than it send the archive to and e-mail address, Must try it once.


PUBLIC TAGS related to tag web

amusement +   anniversaire +   cinema +   classe +   correspondance +   Correspondants +   divertissement +   doctissimo +   ecole +   education +   enfants +   famille +   francophones +   jeux +   jouets +   lecture +   momes +   pas +   php +   premiers +   primaire +   trackback +  

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