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PUBLIC MARKS with tags web & sémantique


De l'OpenData au LinkedData : exemple de

by nhoizey
"La libération des données est bénéfique pour tous, autant d'un point de vue financier que social. La France est en train de louper ce train de l'innovation, ne la laissons pas détruire les gares en plus." - Tim Berners-Lee : "Comment le Web va se transformer"

by Monique
Entretien. Selon le père du Web, Tim Berners-Lee, le Web sémantique est sur les rails. Grâce à lui, nous pourrons tout lire, tout apprendre, et presque tout partager. Mais plusieurs pièces manquent encore.


Ident Engine

by nhoizey
"Without much conscious thought, most of us have built identities across the web. We've filled in profiles, uploaded photos, videos, reviews and bookmarks. The Ident Engine uses semantic web API’s to bring together these web footprints."

Technologies du Web Sémantique pour l'Entrepise 2.0

by parmentierf (via)
Thèse de doctorat (informatique) d'Alexandre Passant - 9 juin 2009

SIMILE Widgets | Exhibit

by julien.c (via)
Exhibit lets you easily create web pages with advanced text search and filtering functionalities, with interactive maps, timelines, and other visualizations like these:


Calais Pipes | OpenCalais

by parmentierf
The OpenCalais Web service can analyze text and provide rich semantic data for submitted text. With Yahoo! Pipes users can easily create custom RSS feeds. The Calais Pipes Service allows Yahoo! Pipes users to enrich their custom RSS feeds with semantic metadata.

Information Economy Meta Language - Wikipédia

by parmentierf
IEML permet de représenter des concepts comme des ensembles de points dans un espace sémantique coordonné. Le métalangage a vocation à être utilisé par un protocole internet pour que naisse un espace sémantique commun sur le Web qui soit plus évolué et plus puissant que le Web sémantique actuellement préconisé par le WWW consortium, mais compatible avec celui-ci.

Planning a Semantic Web site

by parmentierf
The Semantic Web brings with it the opportunities for users to get smarter search results, and for site owners to get more targeted traffic as users find what they really want. But these benefits don't just magically appear. This article leads you through the aspects of both information architecture and general infrastructure you need in place to truly take advantage of this burgeoning opportunity.

Cypher - Beta Release — - ai - ai software - semantic web - semantic web software - ai company - natural language processing - natural language processing software - RDF, FOAF, Friend of a Friend, DC, Dublin Core, RSS, SeRQL and SPARQL softwa

by parmentierf (via)
The Cypher™ beta release is the AI software program available which generates the .rdf (RDF graph) and .serql (SeRQL query) representation of a plain language input, allowing users to speak plain language to update and query databases. With robust definition languages, Cypher's grammar and lexicon can quickly and easily be extended to process highly complex sentences and phrases of any natural language, and can cover any vocabulary. Equipped with Cypher, programmers can now begin building next generation semantic web applications that harness what is already the most widely used tool known to man - natural language. : Overview

by parmentierf & 1 other (via)
Triplify provides a building block for the “semantification” of Web applications. Triplify is a small plugin for Web applications, which reveals the semantic structures encoded in relational databases by making database content available as RDF, JSON or Linked Data.

Bibliographic Ontology Specification

by parmentierf & 1 other (via)
The Bibliographic Ontology Specification provides main concepts and properties for describing citations and bibliographic references (i.e. quotes, books, articles, etc) on the Semantic Web.

And Nerds Became Kings: Yahoo! to Announce Semantic Web Support - ReadWriteWeb

by parmentierf (via)
TechCrunch and Search Engine Land are reporting this morning that Yahoo! will now be indexing Semantic Web and Microformats markup from around the web and will use that information to display more structured search results.

index [MOAT]

by parmentierf & 1 other (via)
MOAT (Meaning Of A Tag) provides a Semantic Web framework to publish semantically-annotated content from free-tagging. While tags are widely used in Web 2.0 services, their lack of machine-understandable meaning can be a problem for information retrieval, especially when people use tags that can have different meanings depending on the context. MOAT aims to solve this by providing a way for users to define meaning(s) of their tag(s) using URIs of Semantic Web resources (such as URIs from dbpedia, geonames … or any knowledge base), and then annotate content with those URIs rather than free-text tags, leveraging content into Semantic Web, by linking data together. Moreover, tag meanings can be shared between people, providing an architecture of participation to define and exchange potential meanings of tags within a community of users. To achieve this goal, MOAT relies on an architecture that can be deployed for any organisation or community and that involves a lightweight ontology, a MOAT server, and some third-party clients .


Top-Down: A New Approach to the Semantic Web

by parmentierf
One of the technical difficulties that we outlined was the bottom-up nature of the classic semantic web approach. Specifically, each web site needs to annotate information in RDF, OWL, etc. in order for computers to be able to "understand" it.

10 Semantic Apps to Watch

by parmentierf
The purpose of this post is to highlight 10 Semantic Apps. We're not touting this as a 'Top 10', because there is no way to rank these apps at this point - many are still non-public apps, e.g. in private beta. It reflects the nascent status of this sector, even though people like Hillis and Spivack have been working on their apps for years now.

Introduction to Semantic Web Vision and Technologies - Part 4 - Protege 101 (Screencast) - Blog - Semantic Focus

by parmentierf
Today, we present a screencast exhibiting Protégé — a free, open source ontology editor and knowledge-base framework developed by Stanford Center for Biomedical Informatics Research at the Stanford University School of Medicine. In this screencast, we show you how to develop a useful Semantic Web-ready application in just minutes. You will learn how to model a very simple ontology in OWL (the Web Ontology Language).

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag web

bookmark +   decentralized +   file +   integrating +   is +   management +   multi +   +   of +   peer-to-peer +   power +   robustness +   search +   sharing +   system +   system. +   the +   url +   urlblaze +   v.2 +   verified +  

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