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PUBLIC MARKS with tags web & opera



h5o - Project Hosting on Google Code

by nhoizey
"The current (Nov, 2009) HTML5 draft defines quite a precise algorithm, for producing an outline for HTML documents. h5o is an implementation of the algorithm in JavaScript."

Opera DragonFly, debuggeur site web | Webmaster – Ressources et outils gratuits pour votre site internet – Free Tools| Free Tools, Le meilleur des outils gratuits pour webmaster

by eledo34
Effectuez des débogages JavaScript et inspectez les feuilles CSS, les modèles DOM et les en-têtes HTTP en toute simplicité, directement depuis votre navigateur Opera. Si vous effectuez un déploiement sur mobile, pas de problème : Opera Dragonfly prend en charge le débogage à distance pour communiquer directement avec Opera Mobile et les autres appareils exécutant Opera Presto.


Opera Unite developer's primer - Opera Developer Community

by parmentierf
This article gets you started on the road to Opera Unite Service development — it describes how the Opera Unite Web Server in Opera works and how it can be used.

Opera Unite

by parmentierf & 5 others (via)
Opera Unite: a Web server on the Web browser With Opera 10, we are introducing a new technology called Opera Unite, radically extending what you are able to do online. Opera Unite harnesses the power of today's fast connections and hardware, allowing all of us to help define the future landscape of the Web, one computer at a time.


by sdaclin & 6 others, 2 comments
Outil pour tester l'affichage d'un site web sur les navigateurs web de référence

Opera web standards curriculum: JavaScript in town! - By Opera's Developer Relations Team

by xibe

The JavaScript articles you will read within do not come close to being a complete treatment of the topic; rather, they are intended to provide enough information to give readers a gentle ride towards getting comfortable enough with JavaScript to work with it in confidence, write simple scripts, debug code, and build a stable base from which to work towards more complicated techniques and specialisations.


File I/O

by greut, 1 comment

This document describes an interface for an abstract File I/O interface where web applications can interact with a file system, without any prior knowledge about the underlying filesystem. This interface can be used for e.g. an image preview before submitting a form or for saving a drawing from a canvas painting web application locally.

open the web

MobilePress - Enable The Mobile Web

by Xavier Lacot & 1 other
MobilePress is a WordPress plugin that will render your WordPress blog on mobile handsets, with the ability to use customized themes. The plugin also allows specific themes for specific devices / mobile browsers, such as iPhone, Opera Mini, Windows CE Mobile and other generic handset browsers. in text/plain

by greut & 2 others

Votre navigateur n'est ni Firefox, ni Internet Explorer. Afin de vous offrir la possibilité de pouvoir consulter notre liste de prix quelque soit votre navigateur, si vous vous connectez en n'utilisant ni Firefox ni Internet Explorer, une liste de prix au format texte vous sera affichée.

seen with Opera. It's far more usable by the way

Opera Web Standards Curriculum

by nhoizey
Opera et Yahoo! nous aident à apprendre à développer des sites Web en exploitant au mieux les standars. Miam !

Opera Web Standards Curriculum

by Xavier Lacot & 5 others
Opera's new Web Standards Curriculum is a complete course to teach you standards-based web development, including HTML, CSS, design principles and background theory, and JavaScript basics. It already has support from many organizations (including Yahoo! and the Web Standards Project) and universities. The first 23 articles are currently available, with about 30 more to be published between now and late September.

Opera Web Standards Curriculum

by xibe & 5 others
Ca semble diablement complet.

With Browsershot it takes a click to test your web design in different browsers | Kabatology ~ Open Source, Linux

by parmentierf
rowsershots is a web application that offers the fastest way to check your web design in different browsers – it does so in less than 10 minutes and eliminates the need to jump from one operating system to the other. This web application takes thumbnails of webpages on the Linux, BSD, Windows and Mac platforms and deploys over 50 different browser including Firefox, Internet Explorer, Konqueror, Opera, Navigator, Safari – and many other unknown browsers.

Opera Dragonfly

by Xavier Lacot & 6 others
Welcome to Opera Dragonfly alpha, the foundations of Opera's upcoming Developer Tools. Debug JavaScript, inspect CSS and the DOM, and view any errors – Opera Dragonfly makes developing using Opera easier than ever, both on your computer and mobile phone.

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