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PUBLIC MARKS with tags web & documentaire




by gregg
SnagFilms is committed to finding the world‘s most compelling documentaries, whether from established heavyweights or first-time filmmakers, and making them available to the wide audience these titles deserve. is a website where you can watch full-length documentary films for free, but we’re also a platform that lets you “snag” a film and put it anywhere on the web. With a library of over 850 films, and rapidly growing, you’re bound to find films that resonate with your interests. We make it easy for you to find a film that shines a light on a cause you care about. You can then open a virtual movie theater on any web site, so any one can watch your favorite SnagFilms for free. SnagFilms can be summed up in four words: Find. Watch. Snag. Support.


Ligne - Le site

by HK & 1 other
agence de reportage multimédia, polyvalente pluri supports. des reportages conçus et réalisés pour le net.

Comment se construit un web-documentaire - Media Trend

by HK
article sur la construction d'un webdoc (avec ligne 4)

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag web

aide +   aide conceptuelle +   conception web +   ergonomie +   formulaire +  

Active users

last mark : 03/11/2012 12:16

Gladys De Micheli
last mark : 28/11/2010 00:39

last mark : 11/05/2010 08:51

last mark : 23/03/2010 15:18

last mark : 13/12/2009 16:46

last mark : 20/04/2009 17:16