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DLFP: Groupware OBM et Webmail MiniG, paquets Debian

by camel (via)
Il y a quelques temps déjà, un nouveau site web pour OBM ( a été mis en ligne, afin de présenter ce logiciel qui permet à ses utilisateurs de stocker, organiser et partager rendez-vous, contacts, courriels, liens, documents et des modules complémentaires de type gestion de projet/planning. Ce fut pour nous une volonté de faire partager ce projet pour lequel la communication n'était pas à son maximum. Depuis nous l'enrichissons afin de partager nos connaissances et de faire de ce Groupware une véritable alternative aux solutions propriétaires. L'un des avantages d'OBM est l'utilisation d'autres logiciels libres pour assurer les différents services d'un goupware (Cyrus, Apache, Postfix...). Cependant, pour les non-initiés, cet avantage se transforme souvent en plusieurs semaines de galère pour réussir à installer un OBM complet. OBM nécessite une certaine expertise dans beaucoup de services associés à OBM (Cyrus, Postfix, MySQL ou PostgreSQL, Java/Tomcat...). Il y a plus de 6 mois, nous avons travaillé avec des développeurs Ubuntu (et nous continuons toujours) pour publier dans Ubuntu Hardy (et maintenant Intrepid) une version packagée d'OBM. Nous nous sommes vite rendu compte qu'inclure un tel logiciel dans une distribution est pour l'instant infaisable. Pouvoir remplacer un fichier de configuration d'un service par celui dont a besoin OBM, n'est pas simplement faisable, voire impossible pour certains services. C'est pour cela que dans Ubuntu il n'y a que la partie "web" qui est pour l'instant intégrée. Nous avons quand même développé tous les autres paquets des services qui gravitent autour d'OBM. Nous espérons intégrer au fur et à mesure tous les paquets d'OBM, quand cela sera possible. Nous sommes donc heureux de vous annoncer la mise en place d'un dépôt Debian (Etch) pour une installation complète et vraiment complète d'OBM. La version disponible est la dernière version stable, la 2.1.11. Il faut souligner que ces paquets sont conçus pour un serveur dédié à OBM. Nous espérerons que grâce à ces paquets vous serez nombreux à installer et utiliser OBM : deb etch obm À vos claviers ! Il est temps d'installer un OBM, en quelques minutes ! Voir ci-dessous pour faire vos retours et tester aussi MiniG, une version alpha d'un nouveau webmail.

Running Vhosts Under Separate UIDs/GIDs With Apache2 mpm-peruser On Debian Etch | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials

by camel & 1 other (via)
This article explains how you can install and configure apache2-mpm-peruser on a Debian Etch server. apache2-mpm-peruser is an MPM (Multi-Processing Module) for the Apache 2 web server, very similar to apache2-mpm-itk, but faster (almost as fast as apache2-mpm-prefork). mpm-peruser allows you to run each of your vhosts under a separate UID and GID - in short, the scripts and configuration files for one vhost no longer have to be readable for all the other vhosts. It is based on metuxmpm, a working implementation of the perchild MPM. The result is a sane and secure web server environment for your users, without kludges like PHP's safe_mode.

About Opsview |

by camel & 1 other
Opsview is enterprise network and application monitoring software designed for scalability, flexibility and ease of use. Opsview has been in development since 2003 and is released under the GNU GPL license. Current version is 2.12. Opsview is a fully integrated monitoring tool that incorporates popular Open Source software including Nagios, Net-SNMP and RRDtool. The Catalyst web framework provides an extensible monitoring and configuration user interface. Opsview software is supported on Linux (Debian, CentOS, RHEL and Ubuntu) and Solaris 10. It will monitor all common operating systems including Windows. Opsview extends the capabilities of Nagios in the following ways: * Distributed monitoring with high availability and fail-over * Much improved SNMP support with trap processing with rules engine * API supporting automation of Opsview configuration * Data warehouse for storage of historical performance and event data * Opsview Reports customisable reporting * Powerful configuration and management UI * Extended monitoring UI * Extensible architecture based on Catalyst Web Framework and Altinity middleware software

Use Server Cache Control to Improve Performance - apache web server settings for optimized caching with configuration files

by camel & 3 others
Caching is the temporary storage of frequently accessed data in higher speed media (typically SRAM or RAM) for more efficient retrieval. Web caching stores frequently used objects closer to the client through browser, proxy, or server caches. By storing "fresh" objects closer to your users, you avoid round trips to the origin server, reducing bandwidth consumption, server load, and most importantly, latency. This article shows how to configure your Apache server for more efficient caching to save bandwidth and improve performance. Caching is not just for static sites, even dynamic sites can benefit from caching. Graphics and multimedia typically don't change as frequently as (X)HTML files. Graphics that seldom change like logos, headers, and navigation can be given longer expiration times while resources that change more frequently like XHTML and XML files can be given shorter expiration times. By designing your site with caching in mind, you can target different classes of resources to give them different expiration times with only a few lines of code.

HAVP – HTTP Antivirus Proxy » UNIX Garden

by camel
Dans cet article, nous allons étudier la mise en place d’un proxy http antivirus : HAVP ( Chacune des pages web demandées par un client est analysée par un antivirus. L’antivirus peut être au choix Clamav, F-prot ou Kaspersky. De plus, HAVP sait parfaitement travailler avec Squid au cas où vous souhaiteriez continuer de l’utiliser. Nous verrons premièrement comment installer l’antivirus utilisé par HAVP. Deuxièmement, comment installer HAVP et les modifications à effectuer pour le faire fonctionner. Enfin, nous verrons des exemples de configuration d’HAVP : * Seul ; * Seul en proxy transparent ; * Et les deux moyens différents de l’utiliser conjointement avec Squid.

Setting Up A High-Availability Load Balancer (With Failover and Session Support) With HAProxy/Heartbeat On Debian Etch | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials

by camel & 1 other
This article explains how to set up a two-node load balancer in an active/passive configuration with HAProxy and heartbeat on Debian Etch. The load balancer sits between the user and two (or more) backend Apache web servers that hold the same content. Not only does the load balancer distribute the requests to the two backend Apache servers, it also checks the health of the backend servers. If one of them is down, all requests will automatically be redirected to the remaining backend server. In addition to that, the two load balancer nodes monitor each other using heartbeat, and if the master fails, the slave becomes the master, which means the users will not notice any disruption of the service. HAProxy is session-aware, which means you can use it with any web application that makes use of sessions (such as forums, shopping carts, etc.). From the HAProxy web site: "HAProxy is a free, very fast and reliable solution offering high availability, load balancing, and proxying for TCP and HTTP-based applications. It is particularly suited for web sites crawling under very high loads while needing persistence or Layer7 processing. Supporting tens of thousands of connections is clearly realistic with todays hardware. Its mode of operation makes its integration into existing architectures very easy and riskless, while still offering the possibility not to expose fragile web servers to the Net."


Setting Up A High-Availability Load Balancer (With Failover and Session Support) With Pound/Keepalived On Debian Etch | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials

by camel
This article explains how to set up a two-node load balancer in an active/passive configuration with Pound and keepalived on Debian Etch. The load balancer sits between the user and two (or more) backend Apache web servers that hold the same content. Not only does the load balancer distribute the requests to the two backend Apache servers, it also checks the health of the backend servers. If one of them is down, all requests will automatically be redirected to the remaining backend server. In addition to that, the two load balancer nodes monitor each other using keepalived, and if the master fails, the slave becomes the master, which means the users will not notice any disruption of the service. Pound is session-aware, which means you can use it with any web application that makes use of sessions (such as forums, shopping carts, etc.).

Web Site Optimization: 13 Simple Steps [Apache & IIS Configuration]

by camel & 1 other (via)
This tutorial takes a practical, example-based approach to implementing those rules. It's targeted towards web developers with a small budget, who are most likely using shared hosting, and working under the various restrictions that come with such a setup. Shared hosts make it harder to play with Apache configuration -- sometimes it's even impossible -- so we'll take a look at what you can do, given certain common restrictions, and assuming your host runs PHP and Apache.

Apache Web Server Speed Configuration Hacks

by camel & 1 other
Apache server performance can be improved by adding additional hardware resources such as RAM, faster CPU, etc. But most of the time, the same result can be achieved by custom configuration of the server. This article looks into getting maximum performance out of Apache with the existing hardware resources, specifically on Linux systems. Of course, it is assumed that there is enough hardware resources - especially enough RAM that the server isn’t swapping frequently. First two sections look into various Compile-Time and Run-Time configuration options. The Run-Time section assumes that Apache is compiled with prefork MPM. HTTP compression and caching is discussed next. Finally, using separate servers for serving static and dynamic contents is covered. Basic knowledge of compiling and configuring Apache and Linux are assumed.

Tuning LAMP systems, Part 2: Optimizing Apache and PHP

by camel
Applications using the LAMP (Linux®, Apache, MySQL, PHP/Perl) architecture are constantly being developed and deployed. But often the server administrator has little control over the application itself because it's written by someone else. This series of three articles discusses many of the server configuration items that can make or break an application's performance. This second article focuses on steps you can take to optimize Apache and PHP. Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP (or Perl) form the basis of the LAMP architecture for Web applications. Many open source packages based on LAMP components are available to solve a variety of problems. As the load on an application increases, the bottlenecks in the underlying infrastructure become more apparent in the form of slow response to user requests. The previous article showed you how to tune the Linux system and covered the basics of LAMP and performance measurement. This article focuses on the Web server components, Apache and PHP.



by Gregware & 5 others
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