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PUBLIC MARKS with tags "wait to visist" & "blog system"

01 August 2006

blog 系統大評比Blogsavvy » Multi user blog tools - overall ratings and reviews

by feision & 2 others
These are the final ratings of a broader review of the multi-user blogging solutions Drupal, Elgg, Manila, Movable Type, WordPress MultiUser and pLog. These particular applications were selected for review due to the authors familiarity with them, their php / MySQL configuration and… time limitations. If you would like to suggest another particular product and offer a comparison between it and these here, please do so in the comments

[Pivot Documentation Project] what_is_pivot

by feision
Pivot is a tool, written in PHP, to create weblogs and other dynamic websites. Pivot is Free (as in beer speech), and easy to use. Because you place the software on your webserver, you do not need any tools on your own computer, but you can use all of Pivot’s functionality through your web browser. This way you can use your Pivot from wherever you like, once you have it up and running. Pivot requires no additional libraries to run, nor any databases like MySql. This is because we want to make a tool that is useable by as many people as possible. Some of the features of Pivot are:


by feision & 1 other
A forum tlaking about blogsystem

jimmy's - 哪個blog系統較好?

by feision
哪個blog系統較好? b2evolution, 電子記事簿 • 11月 16th, 2004 針對不同的blog system,每個擁護者都有自己的聲音,在台灣較少看到比較的討論,不過在國外的討論區就有老是在爭論哪個系統較好。偶然之間發現了一個比較blog的網頁

31 July 2006

performancing | kzeng's stupid words

by feision

30 July 2006


by feision
用博客理念解決知識管理的難題 作者:出處:天極網 [ 2005-09-23 15:40 ] 摘要:將博客應用於企業知識管理對企業知識管理過程中的幾大難題有建設性意義。下面我們來看一下e-cology如何應用博客理念來解決知識管理的幾大難題的。   泛微的知識管理專家認為目前的知識管理存在著一系列的雷區,包括:搜索不充分,難以發現相關的知識;難以保持更新;不知道自己不知道的東西(缺乏專家引導) ;拒絕共享;難以保證質量,積累垃圾信息;使用存在障礙;容易對系統中的信息產生不信任感;喜歡「閉門造車」等。一致認為必須引進新的知識管理工具—博客。而博客技術能夠克服傳統知識管理的缺陷,滿足復雜知識環境下的需要,該技術具有靈活性和真正的「平民性」。因此,將博客應用於企業知識管理對企業知識管理過程中的幾大難題有建設性意義。下面我們來看一下e-cology如何應用博客理念來解決知識管理的幾大難題的。

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last mark : 01/08/2006 13:21