April 2008
TOP Virus Prevalence
by SamkerThe Virus Bulletin prevalence table is compiled monthly from virus reports received by Virus Bulletin; both directly, and from other companies who pass on their statistics.
Reports are included only if they are confirmed, and hence, in conjunction with the WildList, the prevalence table provides a useful indication of the relative prevalence of various virus found in the wild at the time.
January 2008
Online AntiMalware Scanners
by SamkerOnline AntiMalware Scanners are a great way to find out if you have any MalWare (viruses, trojans, worms, spyware ...) on your machine without having to uninstall your current antivirus software or install a new one. You just need to be online ...
July 2007
March 2007
February 2007
Piéger Vista via le moteur de reconnaissance vocale
by kooolman"Cela fait tout de même une conjoncture d’évènements qui tient du miracle." Hé bien moi j'en connais qui pourrait tomber dans le piège. Le temps de se rendre compte de quoi qu'est-ce et que faire, et hop, le tour est joué. Affaire à suivre.
(5 marks)