November 2006
The Blogcast Repository - How to create a Blogcast
by knannThere are several products to use. Camtasia studio is very popular these days, but it's not free.
For those who want a solution that is free and easy to get started, follow the directions and watch this video!
1.Download and install Windows Media Player 10 or above if you don't have it. If you install Media Player 10, you may have to restart your computer after the installation.
2. Download and install Windows Encoder 9 if you don't have it.
3.Purchase a good microphone so you can add your voice to the Blogcast.
4.Download our default "" file to your hard drive.
5. Watch the video tutorial on the site link
LibCasting » Screencasting Software
by knannList of links to commercial, opensource or free screencasting software by platform
Springdoo – Video says it better
by knann & 1 otherOnline audio and/or video email or post to blog service.
SAT MathPro Video Lessons on Demand
by knann & 1 otherSAT Math Pro contains more than 120 video lessons and 300 interactive practice problems that target key areas such as algebra, geometry, data analysis and number properties. Each practice set contains five topic specific math problems, step by step video solutions and follow up questions that reinforce concepts and strategies. SAT Math Pro is being provided, free of charge, to any student with internet access. This is an incredible resource that is not only applicable to the SAT but the PSAT, ACT, and high school assessment tests as well.
October 2006
Tioti: Tape It Off The Internet
by knann & 4 othersWe currently index 1,600 TV shows - 90,000 episodes - and we are matching everything up with content sources like iTunes, AOL and Amazon Unbox - with more to come.
Our beta feature set allows you to do exactly what it says on the tin and do it in style. With integrated message boards, groups, personalised badges and an extensive API, we have lots more great stuff coming soon too.
My Video Email is Free - Video Express Email
by knann (via)What will they think of next? What are the implications for the classroom?
Podcast directory for educators, schools and colleges
by knannWelcome to educators everywhere. This is the first UK directory and the best website to find podcasts for educational use from 300 podcast channels - ideal for activities with children, young people and educational professionals.
December 2005
About Pure Data %u2014 PD Community Site
by tnecniv & 1 otherPure Data real time graphical environment for audio, video and graphical processing community home page
(11 marks)