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PUBLIC MARKS with tag "video game"





Writing a Particle System on the Raspberry Pi | Dr Dobb's

by sylvainulg
" I coded this particle system in Objective-C and use the Simple Directmedia Layer (SDL) for particle display on the RPi, but more on that later. The code accompanying this article is available for download."

Normal Map Photography

by sylvainulg (via)
if "Another World" was born past 2010 :)

ReMix: Shantae: Risky's Revenge 'Baal Bhaagna' - OverClocked ReMix

by sylvainulg (via)
The original tune, "She's Got Moves," was already really groovy. In particular, I loved the constant driving beat that anchored the verses. Jake's arrangement of it really took it to the next level, completely fleshing it out and nailing that Bollywood feel while fusing it with great electronic and orchestral writing


Days of Dawn by Bumblebee. — Kickstarter

by sylvainulg (via)
I'm not that much into RPGs, but the art is stunning.

So what are you working on?

by sylvainulg
Geti has some really nice pixel art and mini-worlds approaches.

The Slappy Picture Show: The Making of Earthworm Jim

by sylvainulg (via)
goldmine. Well, it's a bit a pity that we aren't told what technically made it possible to use cartoon-made animation on a system planned to run tile-based games, unfortunately. Large amount of trickery and wizardry is expected here.


[WIP] c + c on 16x16 rpg tiles

by sylvainulg
the process of creating game art illustrated: ( (idea->concept) + construction ) -> rendering

MD's Technical Sharing: January 2011

by sylvainulg (via)
"attempts due to a bug with Turbo Pascal CRT Unit that causes Runtime Error 200 when running on fast computer" "MARIO.PAS: The main application" :: View topic - Really Bad Eggs 20110706 (Super Foul Egg/Puyo Puyo)

by sylvainulg
a neat clone, but more than 2 ball per drop would make it more interesting.

The life of a Games Programmer: Collision detection...

by sylvainulg (via)
Lemmings never did full sprite to background collision checking, in fact all it did was test a pixel at the feet of a lemming, into the mask. And you could do that directly in GML if you wanted to! In fact, Lemmings had a "1600x160" play area, and you could easily convert this to a 200x160 "BIT" per-pixel mask.

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