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PUBLIC MARKS with tag vb



Microsoft Interop Forms Toolkit 2.0

by nhoizey
The Interop Forms Toolkit 2.0 is a free add-in that simplifies the process of displaying .NET forms and controls in a Visual Basic 6 application. Instead of upgrading the entire code base, these applications can now be extended one form at a time.


Gambas - Gambas Almost Means Basic

by jdrsantos & 3 others
Gambas is a free development environment based on a Basic interpreter with object extensions, a bit like Visual Basic™ (but it is NOT a clone !).

Free ebooks download :: free ebook C#

by jdrsantos & 1 other
Hello and welcome to, a site providing free download for IT and computer technical programming ebooks. As you all know free ebooks come very handy when you need any reference on C#, VB.NET, ASP.NET, SQL 2005, ADO.NET, AJAX, .NET F

ASP.NET 2.0. Guida per lo sviluppatore

by runen
Guida in italiano allo sviluppo di applicazioni con ASP sulla piattaforma .NET 2.0

Manipulating JPEG Images in .NET

by jacek
The Quality encoder value defines the compression level to use when compressing an image in JPEG format. This parameter expects a long value from 0 to 100. For the purposes of file compression, an encoder parameter is created as a member of an EncoderParameters object. For example, the definition of an EncoderParameters instance for a quality level of 95 might look something like the following:

Dotnet project

by Ptit-oups
Un site français sur la plate forme Dotnet de Microsoft. Ce site présente des astuces, des tutoriels, des projets afin d'améliorer ses compétences .Net et de ne pas redévelopper ce qui existe déjà. La communauté est très active.

Code magazine (DotNet)

by Ptit-oups
Un trèsbon site qui posède une mine d'informations pour les développeurs .Net. Vous y trouverz une mine d'informations quelque soit le langage, le framework, ou encore la plate forme de développent.


VB programming tutorials and articles

by Clichop & 2 others
Visual Basic programming tutorials and articles

VB programming tutorials and articles

by sz2006 & 2 others
Visual Basic programming tutorials and articles

Programming Tutorial and

by sz2006 & 2 others
Tutorials guide and articles about software programming including C, VC, C++, Win32, C#, Delphi, Visual Basic, Perl and etc. You could take this as a resource reference if you are interested in software programming.

Programming Tutorial and

by Mintolf & 2 others
Tutorials guide and articles about software programming including C, VC, C++, Win32, C#, Delphi, Visual Basic, Perl and etc. You could take this as a resource reference if you are interested in software programming.

Programming Tutorial and

by Clichop & 2 others
Tutorials guide and articles about software programming including C, VC, C++, Win32, C#, Delphi, Visual Basic, Perl and etc. You could take this as a resource reference if you are interested in software programming.

SharpDevelop @ic#code

by parmentierf & 5 others (via)
#develop (short for SharpDevelop) is a free IDE for C#, VB.NET and Boo projects on Microsoft's .NET platform. It is open-source, and you can download both sourcecode and executables from this site.

Latte Addict

by mikepudgings
Programmer raises money to support latte addiction. Places links on website for whomever buys him a latte.

Active users

last mark : 13/01/2010 12:35

last mark : 05/03/2008 08:58

last mark : 19/01/2008 00:07

last mark : 15/11/2007 09:46

last mark : 20/07/2007 08:44

last mark : 09/07/2007 21:18

last mark : 05/07/2007 14:19

last mark : 04/05/2007 11:47

last mark : 19/03/2007 20:20

last mark : 14/02/2007 13:53

last mark : 07/02/2007 16:46

last mark : 08/01/2007 15:56

last mark : 04/01/2007 13:40

last mark : 04/12/2006 08:32

last mark : 04/12/2006 08:32

last mark : 04/12/2006 08:32

last mark : 17/10/2006 12:43

last mark : 29/09/2006 21:57

last mark : 25/09/2006 23:01