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PUBLIC MARKS with tags v-Business & automobile


Auto-info du 12 décembre 2008 - Lifestyles - LCI

by irols
" Du réel au virtuel et du virtuel au réel. Auto Info vous invite cette semaine dans les coulisses d'un concept car et du simulateur virtuel Citroën ".


Scion Joins Fourth - Yes, Fourth - Virtual World - MarketingVOX

by irols
Each virtual world lends itself to a different marketing strategy. In Whyville, where users tend to be fall between ages 8-15, the company launched a kind of virtual driver's ed. And since is populated by those in their late teens, Scion made sure to create a more provocative social environment.

Welcome to Whyville!

by irols
Whyville is a virtual world where boys and girls from all over the real world come to chat, play, learn, and have fun together. You design your face, earn clams by playing games, hang out at the beach, and go to town events at the Greek Theater. You can start your own business, buy a car and give your friends a ride, or write for the town newspaper. Hop on this helicopter to take a tour of our world!

iMedia Connection: Social Advertising, the Aristotle Way

by irols
Whyville's COO explains why social networking sites are so revolutionary, and cites a few examples of how brands have leveraged the Whyville website to reach future consumers.

Les marques dans Second Life : General Motors - Pontiac

by irols (via)
Pontiac, filiale du groupe General Motors, est le dernier constructeur automobile à s'être investi dans l'univers virtuel de Second Life.


Online Gamers a Large Auto-Owning Demo, Want Imports - MarketingVOX

by irols
Online gamers make up a large auto-owning demographic, with 73 percent of gamers' households owning two or more vehicles


by irols
The internet is evolving, moving from ‘Pages to Places’. K Zero is a metaverse consulting and implementation company providing marketing solutions in virtual worlds.

Second Life, paradis virtuel de l'auto - actualité automobile - Motorlegend

by irols (via)
Mazda ne lèvera le voile sur son nouveau concept-car Hakaze qu'au salon de Genève. Mais vous pouvez d'ores et déjà monter à bord du prototype... et même le conduire sur une piste d'essais ! Bien évidemment, une telle découverte n'est pas - encore ? - possible dans le monde réel. Mais parfaitement réalisable dans l'univers virtuel de Second Life.

Pontiac Wants to Create Car Culture in Second Life · MarketingVOX

by irols
Hoping that the love people have for their cars in real life can follow them into Second Life, GM has bought an island in the online world and hopes to build a community of car aficionados around it.

Scion Launches Broadband Site, Joins Second Life · MarketingVOX

by irols
Toyota's Scion brand has formed its own online network, Scion Broadband, with five "channels" of content. And, separately, Scion has cut a deal to place its cars in the virtual world of Second Life, reports PROMO Magazine (via AdJab).


Motorati Life

by irols
Pontiac in Second Life

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag v-Business

automobile +   développement durable +   marketing +   produits derives +  

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last mark : 27/03/2009 12:58