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PUBLIC MARKS with tags user & extension

12 November 2007 07:00

❤️ FLICKR - ONLINE - Favorite Finder from BigHugeLabs

by decembre
Montrez toutes les photos appartenant à un utilisateur qu'un autre utilisateur a marquées en tant que favoris. Vous pouvez employer l' username, l’email, ou l'ID de chaque faire la recherche inversé .Très instructif.

17 August 2007 10:00

FLICKR - OLD - GM Script: Show All Photos by User in Group Pool on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

by decembre
I wrote a GreaseMonkey Script for Flickr called "Show all in pool by user". When you are browsing a group pool and click on a photo, the script adds a link that when clicked will take you to that group's pool page, showing all the images that user has sub

01 July 2007 11:30

FLICKR - OLD - Buddy Last Activity on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

by decembre
Check when a Flickr user last commented or faved one of your photo (if ever) from the buddy menu.The script checks in the last 31 days.

27 June 2007 15:30

FLICKR - OLD - USERSCRIPT - Flickr Backlink Comment Reply

by decembre
Greasemonkey script that inserts those (reply) links under every buddy icon in the comments list to do exactly what is explained in the screenshot. Works in photo as well as in group discussions.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag user

banner +   bar +   forum +   free +   images +   personnal +   pictures +   userbar +  

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last mark : 29/05/2020 14:24