🛠 CSS XUL - Firefox Interface : Chrome element names and IDs - MozillaZine Knowledge Base
by decembre (via)When editing userChrome.css, you must add CSS selectors based on the element names and IDs/classes of the XUL user interface. There is no comprehensive listing of every single possible selector to use when styling the user interface (just as it would be silly to create such a comprehensive list for a web page), but a few of the more common and interesting selectors are listed below.
The best way to discover how to select an element in the user interface is to use the DOM Inspector.
UX Magazine - The User Experience Magazine
by fox_b & 13 others> ブラウザウィンドウの表示領域が1024ピクセルまでの場合と、
> 1024ピクセルを超える場合によって、レイアウトが自動的に切り替わるという、
> ユニークな取り組みが実装されています。ぜひ、体験してみてください。
A List Apart: Articles: Sliding Doors of CSS
by fox_b & 23 others (via)A rarely discussed advantage of CSS is the ability to layer background images, allowing them to slide over each other to create certain effects. CSS2’s current state requires a separate HTML element for each background image. In many cases, typical markup for common interface components has already provided several elements for our use.
(4 marks)