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Python Package Index : silk-deployment

by marco
A Fabric-based tool for deploying WSGI apps on an Ubuntu/Nginx/Supervisord/Gunicorn stack.


Découverte sur BioloGeek, l'avis d'un freelance passionné par le web et son évolution.

by Emaux & 10 others
Ce site a évolué avec mes centres d'intérêts pour graviter aujourd'hui autour des frameworks web, de l'ergonomie, du web sémantique, de python et plus généralement du développement web agile et pérenne.



Canonical Releases Storm as Open Source | Ubuntu

by pvergain
New Python-based database communication tool represents first open source component of Launchpad LONDON, July 9, 2007 – Canonical Ltd today announced the release of Storm, a generic open source object relational mapper (ORM) for Python. Storm is designed to support communication with multiple databases simultaneously. Canonical is best known for the popular Ubuntu operating system and Launchpad, a web-based collaboration platform for open source developers. "Storm is an ORM that simplifies the development of database-backed applications in Python, especially for projects that use very large databases or multiple databases with a seamless web front-end", said Gustavo Niemeyer, lead developer of Storm at Canonical. "Storm is particularly designed to feel very natural to Python programmers, and exposes multiple databases as /stores/ in a clean and easy to use fashion." The project has been in development for more than a year for use in Canonical projects such as Launchpad, and is now publicly available under the LGPL license. This will be the first complete Launchpad component to be released as open source software. "We're excited about using Storm for Launchpad, and that it is being released as open source. Storm's API is clear and well designed, making it a joy to work with, " said Steve Alexander, Launchpad Product Manager at Canonical. "The scalability advantages of Storm's architecture are important for us to ensure that Launchpad continues to perform well as the number of Launchpad users grows." Launchpad currently includes developers data for several thousand projects and is used by tens of thousands of developers, translators, and other free software contributors. The Storm project welcomes participation, and has a new website at That site includes a tutorial, and links to allow developers to download, report bugs and join the mailing list. Post to Twitter from Ubuntu Deskbar

by springnet
Deskbar is a Gnome widget you can embed in a panel and can be used for opening applications, opening items from your browser history, doing web searches and all sorts

serveur:lamp_bis - Documentation Ubuntu Francophone

by parmentierf & 3 others, 1 comment
Ce tutorial traite de la procédure à suivre pour installer une solution LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, Php/Perl/Python) sur un système (machine) disposant d'Ubuntu Dapper Drake (6.06 LTS) ou Edgy Eft (6.10) en mode graphique.

Eclipse pour le développement web, PHP et Python sous Dapper - Bienvenue chez moi !

by parmentierf & 9 others
l'installation et la configuration d'Eclipse et de quelques uns de ses plugins sous Ubuntu Dapper.

reconstructor - What is Reconstructor?

by pvergain
Reconstructor is a Live CD creator for Ubuntu Linux. It uses the Ubuntu Linux Live CD as a base, and then allows customization of boot screens (usplash), gnome settings, and software (you can also use the chroot environment to make other changes before creating the live cd). Reconstructor uses the solid Ubuntu foundation, and allows for extensive customization. For example, create a custom Live CD with blender, inkscape, etc. included for a friend in graphics, or simply use reconstructor to re-brand your environment (wallpaper, fonts). Reconstructor is written in python and is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL)

Customisez votre CD Ubuntu Desktop - The Racoon's Blog

by pvergain
Je vous vais expliquer briévement comment créer votre propre cd Ubuntu customisé en utilisant un petit programme très sympathique, écrit en Python et qui se nomme Reconstructor : Reconstructor pour permet de créer votre propre CD Live Ubuntu simplement et sans passer par des lignes de commandes fastidieuses car toute l'interface est entièrement graphique. Il utilise comme base le cd original Ubuntu Desktop, dont vous devrez vous munir, et permets la personnalisation de l'environnement d'accueil (usplash), le paramétrage de Gnome et l'ajout de logiciels. Il permet donc d'insérer directement vos applications préférées sur le CD et évite l'utilisation des dépôts sur Internet. En outre il permet l'utilisation du support DVD ce qui permets d'ajouter pratiquement ce que voulez dans la limite de l'espace disponible bien entendu ; mais avec plus de 4 Go à sa disposition on a de quoi voir venir. A vous d'imaginer les possibilités ..



by sk8ter82 & 8 others
Ubuntu, bio-informatique et geekeries.

Je Hais Le Printemps

by sk8ter82 & 5 others (via)
Faut-il haïr à ce point le printemps ? A la lecture de ce blog, il faut bien admettre que oui.


by sunny & 10 others
Ubuntu, bio-informatique et geekeries libres d'un bio-informaticien au quotidien.

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